Bethany Christian Celebrating Dr. R.E. Hedgeman 20th Anniversary
The Rev. Dr. R.E. Hedgeman Bethany Christian Church will be celebrating the 20th Pastoral Anniversary of its esteemed leader The Rev. Dr....

By golly, the Browns got it right
All of the stars aligned for the Cleveland Browns and their brain trust at the NFL Draft last week held in Philadelphia as the home town...

Michelle Patterson to host powerful California Women's Conference
Chief Executive Officer Michelle Patterson will host the globally 300 million strong Women Network 30th annual California Women’s...

Help Save America-Help Save The World
Now the time has come for this nation to fulfill its promise Congratulations on your First Hundred Days President Donald J. Trump!...

Same ol, same ol for Cavs vs. Raptors
DeMar DeRozan of the Raptors has seen enough. The Toronto must feel like the kid who gets beat up by the bully every time on hs way to...