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Help Save America-Help Save The World


Now is the time for this nation to fulfill its promise!!!

Women must have total equality!!!

God, in his infinite wisdom spiritually connects the white woman's cause and the people of color’s cause, in a covenant of life, in liberty, freedom, justice and equality.

The umbilical cord of life given birth to a new nation under God, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men and all women are created equal.

However, the irony of this new nation conceived in liberty, was surreptitiously breached by an old system of white supremacy and control way of life system which smoothly interjected its methodology, influence and control of mind setting behavior into the new spirit of life, liberty, freedom and equality for all the American people. To the extent that they believe that equality could be arrogated to one segment of society and at the same time withheld from another segment of society.

For some four centuries (400 years) those in power in this new nation conceived in liberty – called America, have confronted this problem systematically with great success.

The remarkable, ingenious, evil misguided way of life system of white supremacy and control, successfully succeeded in achieving its goals by adjusting the public opinion, using excellently persuasive propaganda to enable the system to democratically designate with public support, as to which people should be equal and as well as designate which people should not be equal.

However, the misguided way of life system was woefully mistaken. Equality could be shared, but it could not be divided in a way that some people would be considered to more equal than other people, as the system had so provided.

However, along came reality, the fact that economic and social exclusion which is the complete denial of human fraternity, manhood and womanhood and a grave offense against human rights and the environment.

The people are angry… The people feel betrayed by party politicians thus the inherent distrust and total rejection of the establishment!!! The rejection of the politicians!!! The rejection of the government !!!

The rejection of the lies and distorted truths that WE THE PEOPLE are being presented to by our leadership.

The voter wants an outsider candidate …A NON POLITICAN!



Donald J. Trump, the people's rejection choice


Senator Ted Cruz -- Senator Marco Rubio

Both the misguided way of life system’s choice and the Party (GOP) establishment’s choice collectively.

A system that considers the white woman inferior and owned property!!! A system that considers the people of color inferior and own property!!!

"I will create a whole new system… and I will tear this system apart." Republican Presidential Candidate, Donald J. Trump

Donald J. Trump is fighting for the people’s rejection of the misguided way of life system.

“I want to make America great again.” Republican Presidential Candidate Donald J. Trump

Donald J. Trump is self financing his own campaign. He has no obligations to the lobbyist, Super PACs, special interest groups, or Wall Street financial groups. His only obligation is to the American people.

Donald J. Trump, the People's Choice…is fighting the party establishment!!!

Donald J. Trump is fighting the “establishments FACES” Senator Ted Cruz and Senator Marco Rubio.

Donald J. Trump “CAN NOT be bought!!!”

Donald J. Trump can not be controlled by the GOP Party!!!

Donald J. Trump can not be controlled by the misguided way of life system!!!

Donald J. Trump’s only obligation is to the American people, the American people are and will be the only controlling power over Donald J. Trump just as it should be according to our United States Constitution.

"I will create a whole new system… and I will tear this system apart."

“I want to make America great again,”

Presidential Candidate, Donald J. Trump


Stop Trump Movement ??

By GOP Establishment

Stop Trump Movement ??

By Misguided Way of Life System Establishment

Stop Trump Movement ??

By Candidate Ted Cruz

Stop Trump Movement??

By Candidate Marco Rubio


Fear tactics is the plan… Stop Trump movement is the goal…



“We have nothing to fear but fear itself.” President Franklin D. Roosevelt

Trump is not a racist!!!

Trump is the candidate of the people rejection!!!

Trump is the choice of the people!!!

Trump is not an establishment politician!!!

Trump knows the misguided way of life system inside and outside!!

All the candidates agree that the misguided way of life system is corrupt. But Trump is the only candidate that states and commits to the American people.

"I will create a whole new system… and I will tear this system apart."

“I want to make America great again.”

Presidential Candidate, Donald J Trump

Especially, eliminating the corrupt misguided way of life system that makes wrong right and right wrong that the American people are rejecting so vehemently!!!

Trump is very cognizant of corrupt power and influence wielded by the lobbyist, special interests groups, Super PACs, and Wall Street financial groups, of which he admittedly was a former participant, which buys the votes for that special its interest purposes. Therein justifying, the people’s distrust and rejection of the system.

The Question: Is the legislature bounded by the will of the people??? Or is the legislature bound by the will of the wealthy???

What is the law? When there is only money involved…???

“Righteousness exalts a nation; but sin is a reproach to any people.” Proverbs 34

Now is the time for this nation to fulfill its promise!!!

“I want to make America great again.”

Republican Presidential Candidate Donald J. Trump

Now is the time for this nation to fulfill its promise!!!

God Bless America

God Bless the American People

God Bless President Barack Obama

God Bless our Military, men and women the Vanguard of our Nation

God Bless our Veterans

God Bless the Fallen but not Forgotten Heroes

1 Corinthians 16:13 “Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong.”

Only in America

Don King


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