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Help Save America-Help Save The World

Now is the time for this nation to fulfill its promise


"We are going to create a whole new system… and we will tear this system apart." “America First!!!” “I want to make America great again.” Donald J. Trump, GOP presidential candidate

Donald J. Trump is the voice of the people’s rejection of the corrupt, rigged, evil, sexist, racist system.

The Trump Movement, supported by the “WILL OF THE PEOPLE,” under the dynamic leadership of Donald J. Trump is committed to change…It can only happen in a country called America…Where the doors are still open for the people to redeem itself for its egregious wrongs, ask God for forgiveness, then go about God’s work with faith and good works to correct those wrongs by eradicating the evil feminine gender barrier and validating our condition.

The GOP presidential candidate promises LAW AND ORDER…JUSTICE AND FAIR PLAY. It can only happen in a country called America…Where the doors are still open for the people to redeem itself for the egregious wrongs against women and people of color, by asking God’s forgiveness then go about God’s work with abiding faith and good works to correct these evil wrongs by contradicting the abominable, evil, sinister system that permits such abuses and oppressive usurpation of human rights to take place.

But more importantly, WE THE PEOPLE, incredulously allow these wrongs to take place, by accepting these wrongs as right morally, with beliefs, attitudes, behaviors and practices supported by the law, the courts and the legal system. Establishing a way of life whereby wrong is right and right is wrong.

Donald J. Trump says no More!!!

"We are going to create a whole new system… and we will tear this system apart." “America First!!!” “I want to make America great again.” Donald J. Trump, GOP presidential candidate

Donald J. Trump’s leadership has come to the conclusion that there is no foundation in reason or justice for women’s exclusion from the right of choice on the selection of the persons who should frame the laws and then shape the destiny of all the American people, irrespective of their sex or color.

Recognizing and observing woman’s agency, devotion and effectiveness in pleading the cause of the poor, the downtrodden, the oppressed, the under privileged and denied, our gratitude for this high service while recognizing not sex nor physical strength but moral intelligence and the ability to discern right from wrong, good from evil and the power to choose between them, as the basis of Republican government, to which all are alike subject and all bound to obey.

Law and Order…Justice and Fair Play

The Trump Movement, supported by the “WILL OF THE PEOPLE” commits AMERICA FIRST!!! Jobs, jobs, jobs, better trade deals…better deals period. Therein, fostering pride…dignity and respect for America…

The SYSTEM is the ENEMY… Not Donald J. Trump!!!

For the Democratic Party and for the Republican Party alike, the system is the enemy. The enemy is the system!!!

My fellow Americans, we are in the habit of treating the effects of the cause – the system, rather than going after the cause, the system, in order to prevent the horrific, egregious effects of the cause… THE SYSTEM. The evil system is malignant and corrupt. The only cure is to eradicate and eliminate it.

Women of America: “No where does God say I gave exclusively male choice, the right to rule women, the right to dominate and enslave women. Yet, they have instilled a system… that does absolutely that.” Elizabeth Cady Stanton/Susan B. Anthony

Donald J. Trump is the ONLY presidential candidate that called out the system in its entirety: "We are going to create a whole new system… and we will tear this system apart." “America First!!!” “I want to make America great again.”

Women of America, this election is about you. It is about you voting against a system that has enslaved you for more than four hundred years.

The irony of the Revolutionary War for Freedom is that it freed the men and not the women. Join the will of the people’s rejection of the system movement to eradicate and eliminate the system under the leadership of the people’s choice, Donald J. Trump. Vote for yourselves, in voting to eliminate the rigged, corrupt, sexist gender barrier. This election is not about the party. This election is about the woman, your Liberty, Freedom, Justice and Equality. Like him or dislike him… Donald J. Trump, with your help is the only person capable of eliminating this rigged, corrupt, evil system.

"We are going to create a whole new system… and we will tear this system apart.”

African Americans and people of color, this election is not about the party, this election is about you as a people. Join the “WILL OF THE PEOPLE” in voting to eliminate an evil rigged, corrupt, racist system that has enslaved you, in abject chattel slavery, for two hundred forty-four years and one hundred and one years of Jim Crow slavery.

Take this God-given opportunity to join Donald J. Trump and the “WILL OF THE PEOPLE” to eliminate this rigged, corrupt, racist system. Vote for yourself… When you vote against the evil, corrupt, racist system…you are voting for yourself and the destiny of America. You are voting for inclusion, you are voting for Liberty, Freedom, Justice and Equality.

Black people…people of color, with your help the Trump Movement can win and he promised: "We are going to create a whole new system… and we will tear this system apart." Keep in mind African Americans, if his commitment is a lie…then, lets make the lie come true…A lie is common place, business as usual, THAT’S ALL WE EVER GOT IS LIES, but the truth is revolutionary.

The evil misguided, corrupt, rigged, sexist, racist system has joined the white woman and the black people together in its consideration of their concentric slavery. The system considers the white woman inferior and owned property. The system considers black people inferior and owned property. Stripped of their womanhood, Elizabeth Cady Stanton recognized the evil misguided way of life system of white male supremacy and control in the early 1850’s. “The prejudice against color, of which we hear so much, is no stronger than that against sex. It is produced by the same cause, and manifested very much in the same way.”

In the scheme of citizenship of our country, for years following the Civil War, the Negro had no part; the white woman had no part; and they had no part because they were looked upon as inferior. “Subordination to the superior race is declared to be their natural and moral condition. Their inferiority was asserted to be a great physical, philosophical and moral truth.” Masterpieces of Negro Eloquence, 1818-1913, by Alice Moore Dunbar-Nelson

And this is exactly the Southern view today, and it is exactly the program to which it is committed. Its whole attitude today is in harmony with the great principles upon which the Southern Confederacy was founded – the non-recognition of the white woman, the non-recognition of people of color, as equal in any respect – socially, civilly, politically.

“The surrender of life is nothing to sinking down into acknowledgement of inferiority.” John C. Calhoun, Founding Father of the Confederacy, staunch racist and two time Vice-President and United States Senator from South Carolina. In 1957, a Senate Committee selected Calhoun as one of the five greatest United States Senators of all time.

YESTERDAY: J. C. Calhoun said “A power has risen up in the government greater than the people themselves, consisting of many various and powerful interests, combined into one mass, and held together by cohesive power of the vast surplus in the banks.” Translated to today’s theory, the great prognosticator was talking about the Super PACs, Lobbyists, Special Interest Groups and Wall Street – the one per centers.

Race relations in our country today are at an all time LOW, just as it was yesterday. Hate, divisiveness, bigotry, discrimination, prejudice and separatism are simmering, in this resonating dilemma of the Great Divide in race relations in the Greatest Country in the World – AMERICA!!! Caused by a bigoted, corrupt, rigged system of white supremacy and control.

“WE THE PEOPLE” The American people, black and white alike, cannot afford the luxury of divisiveness in this nuclear age. We must come together with love, wisdom and understanding, if we are to survive in this nuclear age.

I love America; I love the American people, every race, color, creed and religion. I love what America stands for, the principles of Liberty, Freedom, Justice and Equality. My fellow Americans, with those majestic, cosmic principles in play we are the greatest nation on earth.

Let us come together with abiding faith in God and make America great again. We are better together, working together works.

Now is the time for this nation to fulfill its promise!!!

Now is the time………

The system is the enemy…the enemy is the system

White women, people of color and freedom loving white men must come together and vote against the corrupt rigged system. Voting for the elimination of the system, is voting for yourself, we the people, we have everything to gain and nothing to lose. Donald J. Trump is the leader of the people’s rejection of the system movement. Donald J. Trump needs our vote and support to keep his commitment to the American people.

This election is about the will of the American people – not the party’s – “WE THE PEOPLE” – the American people. Especially because we have a unanimous consensus of rejection of the system in public opinion, total agreement, that the system is corrupt and rigged. That it should be eliminated. Now is the time for two inferior groups, according to the system; the white woman and the people of color, to come together and vote against the system. We have not had this type of unanimous consensus of rejection and public opinion against a system from of government since the 13 colonies rejected the king george and the british empire form of government which evolved into the reveolutionary war and the conception of the united states of america.

Vote Trump! Vote Trump to eliminate the system which has enslaved you from the conception of this new nation, under God, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men and women are created equal. To this day, in the year 2016, White Women and African Americans must vote to eliminate this evil corrupt system of white male supremacy and control. You have everything to gain and absolutely nothing to lose.

The forces of darkness in regards to the white women and people of color, has been more effective in evil, negative associations, moral, religious, economic, political and dehumanizing treatment and ways than the forces of the light, the good and the righteous have in securing their equality before the law, securing their equal protection under the law and more importantly, in securing the fundamental principals of the founding of the Republic along with, the securing of their God given inalienable rights; Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. LIFE, LIBERITY, FREEDOM AND EQUALITY FOR ALL.

The system is the enemy…the enemy is the system.

Vote! Vote! Vote! With the movement to eliminate the evil, corrupt, rigged system!!!

Now is the time!!!!!

God Bless America

God Bless the American People

God Bless President Barack Obama

God Bless our Military, men and women the Vanguard of our Nation

God Bless our Veterans

God Bless the Fallen but not Forgotten Heroes

1 Corinthians 16:13 “Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong.”

Only in America

Don King


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