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Midwest Region of the Progressive National Baptist Convention

Dr. E. G. Shields, Regional Vice President, Midwest Region, PNBC.

Denomination will address escalating violence and declining values in the country with a call to regain a moral compass St. Louis, MO– The 54th Annual Session of the Midwest Region of the Progressive National Baptist Convention (PNBC) will convene at the Marriott Cleveland Airport, 4277 W 150th St, Cleveland, OH 44135 on April 17 - 21, 2017. Dr. E. G. Shields, Jr., Midwest Regional Vice President and Pastor of Mt. Beulah Baptist Church in St. Louis, MO, will lead the gathering as they fulfill the denomination’s mission of “Equipping pastors and churches to be effective in ministry; lifting our voice on behalf of the voiceless.”

The meeting officially opens on Tuesday, April 18 at 10:45 AM, and will address the escalating violence, racial division, and declining human values that are being witnessed across the country in various aspects of life, business, and politics. States Dr. Shields, “I am prayerful that the week of worship and fellowship will inspire all attendees to go forward and be a vessel for real change. Each of us can play whatever small part God empowers us to play. Each small part, when taken as a whole, will strike a massive blow of light to the darkness of our social oblivion.” Featured throughout the four days are ministry workshops, Christian Education training, and dynamic preaching. The program is designed to encourage and support pastors, ministers, and the laity in their work to spread the Gospel message and as advocates for social change.

In an effort to reach millennials, a community forum is scheduled on Monday, April 17, 2017 at 7:00 PM with a special invitation for young adults. State of Emergency: Young Adults are the Solution to Our Societal Problems will be held in a talk show format, and is a call to action for churches to reach out to young adults and for millennials to become better engaged in the mission of the church. All are invited to attend.

Thursday evening is reserved for President’s Night and features Dr. Shield’s annual address and sermon.

National President Dr. James C. Perkins will offer greetings. Expected in attendance will be The Honorable Frank Jackson, Mayor, Cleveland, OH; Brian Kazy, Cleveland City Councilman, Ward 16; Congresswoman Marcia Fudge, Representative, 11th Congressional District, Ohio; and Bishop Larry Macon, Senior Pastor, Mount Zion Oakwood Village and President, United Pastors in Mission.

The local host congregation is Covenant Baptist Church of Euclid, OH led by its Senior Pastor, Rev. Christine Smith, which marks the first time that a woman has hosted the Midwest Region meeting.

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