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Cavs revamping Cleveland community

The Cleveland Cavaliers have delivered more than $42 million in community, civic and charitable funding over the last 20+ years. In fitting with that theme, the organization recently announced it would refurbish the gymnasium floors in all Cleveland Metropolitan School District’s (CMSD) high schools as well as the 22 gymnasium floors in various city recreation centers.

This is the latest in a string of investments the Cavaliers organization has made in Cleveland, including to improve the quality of life for Cleveland’s youth. They have a track-record of supporting local organizations that make a significant impact on the community, including (but not limited to):

〈 Boys & Girls Club of Cleveland- The Cavs grants to the Boys & Girls Club of Cleveland helps serve Cleveland’s most vulnerable youth through after-school programs focused on academics, healthy lifestyles, good character and citizenship.

〈 City Year of Cleveland- The Cavs support the organization’s Whole School, Whole Child program within low-performing partner schools in CMSD. Funding allows tutors and mentors to help low-income students in grades 3-9 with literacy, math, attendance, behavior and more.

〈 Greater Cleveland Food Bank- The Cavs provide funding to support their Children’s Nutrition Initiative that addresses childhood hunger in Cleveland through four core programs- Backpacks for Kids, Kids Café, Summer Feeding and School Markets. These programs help provide meals and snacks for low-income students and families.

Alan Smith, Director of Operations for Boys & Girls Clubs of Cleveland, expressed his appreciation for the Cavaliers support, particularly the renovations in the John Adams Teen Center and the invaluable opportunities Boys & Girls Clubs kids have had at sporting events as well as exposure to careers in video production and graphic design.

“We appreciate the Cavs deep commitment to the Greater Cleveland community and the financial and human capitals support the team and staff has granted to nonprofits here, including Boys & Girls Clubs of Cleveland. This support has helped us inspire and enable youth who need us most,” Smith said.

The Cavs also have many of their own community programs, including Read to Achieve, a year-round campaign devoted to literacy for students Pre-K through 8th grade. In addition to Read to Achieve, the team offers NBA Math Hoops, Head of the Class, All-Star Kids, Straight ‘A’ All Stats, Fit as a Pro (health and wellness program), college scholarship programs and many awareness nights relating to cancer, autism and sustainability. The Cavs positively impact more than 130,000 children in Greater Cleveland through these programs.

In addition to the recent gymnasium floors announcement , the Cavs said they will donate all admission proceeds from this year’s NBA playoff road game watch parties at The Q to Greater Cleveland Habitat for Humanity to continue an grow their fight against neighborhood blight. The team also guaranteed that the City’s General Fund receives at least as much money as the amount collected from Quicken Loans Arena’s admission taxes used to pay off The Q Transformation project debt.

“Public-private agreements like our partnership with the Cavs, are key to the city’s economy,” said Mayor Frank G. Jackson. “As I said when I supported their plans to remain here until 2034, this is a forward-thinking investment in Cleveland's neighborhoods, with big results now and in the future. This is just one of the many ways we will stop decline, stabilize the neighborhoods and ensure growth for the future.’’

Congresswoman Marcia Fudge has recently been outspoken in acknowledging the impact Quicken Loans Arena and the Cavs have had on the City of Cleveland.

“The Cavaliers and team owner Dan Gilbert have been good partners with the City of Cleveland,” she recently said.

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