Rev. Otis Moss salutes Rev. Dr. R.E. Hedgeman

The esteemed Rev. Otis Moss Jr. hailed Bethany Christian Church pastor Rev. Dr. Robyn E. Hedgeman on her 20th anniversary with a riveting sermon documenting trees.
He saluted Rev. Hedgeman as a “remarkable leader and pastor of Bethany Christian Church.”
Hedgeman recalled attending theological college and sitting at the feet of the man who was a personal friend of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and the former pastor of renowned Olivet Institutional Baptist Church where he served for 33 years.
Moss had to leave Atlanta where he was attending events at Morehouse College with his son Rev. Otis Moss III where both are alums, but said it was paramount for him to pay tribute to Rev. Hedgeman.
“Congratulations to Dr. Robyn Hedgeman and we thank God that we can witness the 20th year of this remarkable leader and pastor at the Bethany Christian Church. We know that this is an assignment by God and we are blessed to have her leadership. She is one who is respected by her denomination and by her entire community because she has given and received and I am honored to have been apart of your doctorial experience,” said Moss.
“You shall be like a tree. Throughout scriptures there are constant references to trees. If someone took the time and looked at trees in the forest and how they are used. From the standpoint of fruit, sins and salvation and how trees are used poetically and prophetically throughout scriptures,” stated Moss. “Both in the old and New Testament, both in the Hebrew bible and in the Christian scriptures, they shall be like trees.”
Dr. Moss delicately illustrated how if humans could live their life like trees, there life would not be in vain. He documented hos God made trees the most significant element to all aspects of living, as only Dr. Moss could preach.
Thus it was a moment to reflect on how a tree such as Dr. Hedgeman was planted some 20 years ago in the wilderness of Northeast Ohio and has continued to flourish in a congregation where some of the founding members remain.
It was her day, to sit back and relax and allow for the master minister of Dr. Moss to spell it all out.
The sermon concluded a week that consisted of revivals, an anniversary banquet and the usual double sermon Sunday, and now it will be time to sow more seeds for this tremendous tree of faith.