‘Children of the Night’ is absolutely outta sight

The Breen Center for Performing Arts was transformed into an open living room, flush with all of the powerful elements that impacts a Black family when challenged by the socio economic ills of wayward child exposed to the ongoing crisis of human trafficking.
Cleveland native Dr. Pamelia Tyree-Carr’s seventh stage production delved deep into a crisis that has engulfed the nation, spurning legislation that has yet to come to any solutions on how to solve the dilemma.
Creatively, Carr addressed the issue from an African America perspective in ‘Children of the Night’ starting at its root core of what transpires in the home.
The fast moving, wise comedy, sprinkled with oldies and gospel depicts a fictional family and friends that featured a tastefully played wobbling drunk to dramatize one of our most sensitive topics.
The acting was relatable with an adulteress abusive and controlling husband, who molest his own daughter. His wife, who had been subject of the same molestation in her family refuses to accept all of the obvious warning signs, until her daughter confronts the matter and tells all in the family.
After accepting the devastating truth, the wife ponders what to do and then after another of the husband’s controlling tirades decides to end it by cutting his throat and ending his life.
However, the pain and suffering he inflicted before being murdered, reveals itself when his daughter is caught getting down with an equally adulterating neighbor and pastor. The daughter had convinced the pastor’s daughter that going out on the street is the way to go, but relents after auditioning with the community pimp. While he decides she didn’t want that life, the preacher kid had succumbed to the ills of human trafficking.
Blended with scandal, incest, drama and comedy, ‘Children of the Night’ offers a spiritual solution through soul touching gospel and messaging that makes this play a must see and demand return.
The singing from all of the characters was spot on, the dancing and the dynamic performances of Royce Ruffin, Nae Black, Robert Johnson Jr., R. Monica Black left you laughing, crying and ultimately caring at the same time.