Now the time has come for this nation to fulfill its promise…
Forgiveness, Redemption, Conversion, Faith…
President Donald Trump loves his country…America…and he loves the American people; he is loyal to his country and its people.
“There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” John 15:13
Loyalty is more than words; true loyalty will result in actions. Action is what President Trump is giving to ‘We the People,’…he lives, loves and breathes loyalty.
Now the time has come for this nation to fulfill its promise…
“And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.” John 8:32
The system, the evil corrupt, rigged system is the enemy of America…not President Donald J. Trump.
However, President Trump’s every word and utterance is met with contempt, sarcasm, dishonesty and condemnation in order to discredit and character assassinate his reputation. No straw, however fast it flew in the wind, was and is too elusive to be grasped by this evil corrupt system’s degraders of human beings…President Trump, being the target. The evil, corrupt, rigged system’s propagandas are in full force and effect at creating fear in the public’s mindset of his unpredictable personality. Scaring the people into believing that he is unfit to be president in this highly dangerous nuclear age.
A reliable source recently has outright unendorsed Trump, while calling him temporarily unfit to control America’s nuclear arsenal.
In the March 9, 2016 Call & Post I wrote:
“Happenstance, accidentally or on purpose; we do something which could precipitate a nuclear exchange? Then, in addition to the volcanic situation which perils the world. Add North Korea, a great country, a great leader Kim Jong-un "the chosen one," influenced and motivated by the spirit of America. Kim Jong-un has an attitude which dictates achievement and accomplishment, hard work, dedication and commitment along with a never fail attitude! "Yes I can…" in spite of the doom Sayers chanting, "no you can't." It's the time to be friends! Honorable Supreme leader Kim Jong-un… Love … Peace … Forgiveness. The great sunshine’s majestic sunlight blesses us with a vision of world trendsetting peace and harmony.
On the hillside above the North Korean city of Sanbong are the cosmic words: "Bravo Mr. Kim who is the greatest sunshine of the 21st century."
All of the presidential candidates agree and wholeheartedly pledge that security for the American people in the event that they become president will be their "top" priority. Yet, at the Republican debates, Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio, sort of breeched that vow to the American people by unwittingly insulting an adversarial nuclear power leader: The Honorable Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un of North Korea; culminating his nuclear achievement as lunacy and referring to Kim Jong-un as a "lunatic" then, much to my horror and dismay, the Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz echoed Marco Rubio’s commentary calling the Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un, a "lunatic"….!!! in regards to the great leader, of the great country of North Korea and the great North Korean people.
When we call achievement "lunacy" rather then applaud it …Then, call the achiever a "lunatic," rather than congratulate him for his hard work, determination, dedication and commitment to the success of his achievement. Then, to castigate him without respect to his pride, manhood, honor, culture and human personality, especially in the nuclear age where the achiever, an adversarial world leader who sits in power, begs the question as to who really is the "lunatic"???
The insulting accusations of Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz two Republican presidential candidates…would be…??? could be…??? the president of the greatest country America in the world and the leader of the free world??? Or… the "fearless, dedicated achiever???" Kim Jong-un…”
Which historically sets the tone of this remarkable and awesomely powerful corrupt system’s ability to calumniate and horrifically denigrate and degrade its target…that being Donald J. Trump. Illustrating and demonstrating its powerful capability to make wrong right and right wrong.
I have collectively assembled excerpts together for your review:
January 12, 2016
In addition to the perilous volcanic eruptive, situation we are currently existing in…add to the P5+1 nuclear powers – North Korea. A great country, a great leader “The Chosen One;” who was influenced and motivated by the attitudinal spirit of America. An attitude which complements the spirit of achievement and accomplishment, by hard work, dedication and commitment in the pursuit of excellence. A never fail kind of spirit that says: “Yes I can,” in spite of the negative doom sayers chanting: “No you can't.”
The Chosen One, a great leader with strong convictions and beliefs, with extraordinary self-confidence with an enviably Western like personality. A strong leader who in the spirit of achievement developed on his own, a nuclear bomb let's cheer his spirit of achievement and applaud his sense of humanity and peace and welcome him into the family of nuclear powers whose commitment is to world peace.
February 17, 2016
The world is full of unrest. War is springing up in all parts of the globe. The Middle East, Israel vs. Palestine, Syrian Civil War, Syrian ISIS Crisis, American vs. ISIS, America declares war on ISIS, Russia vs. Ukraine, Russia vs. Turkey, Russia vs. ISIS in Syria, Syria invites Russia to help Syria in its crisis, Iran vs. Israel etc. etc. etc.
South Korea threatens North Korea, Japan Threatens North Korea in regards to North Korea’s claim of developing the nuclear bomb and that they will launch their satellite missiles testing their capabilities.
While South Korea and Japan are hurling incendiaries and inflammatory rhetoric at North Korea, North Korea completely ignored them and launched its satellite missiles.
QUESTION: Can these mini wars and disputes between these nations precipitate an all out nuclear war?
The nuclear age demands a new – different kind of nuclear age type of thinking to achieve peace.
March 9, 2016
Happenstance, accidentally or on purpose; we do something which could precipitate a nuclear exchange? Then, in addition to the volcanic situation which perils the world. Add North Korea, a great country, a great leader Kim Jong-un "the chosen one," influenced and motivated by the spirit of America. Kim Jong-un has an attitude which dictates achievement and accomplishment, hard work, dedication and commitment along with a never fail attitude! "Yes I can…" in spite of the doom Sayers chanting, "no you can't." It's the time to be friends! Honorable Supreme leader Kim Jong-un… Love … Peace … Forgiveness. The great sunshine’s majestic sunlight blesses us with a vision of world trendsetting peace and harmony.
March 30, 2016
The Great Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un of the great country of North Korea proudly announced a major scientific achievement, the development of sophisticated nuclear weaponry.
The Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un took great pride in the fact that this was a North Korean achievement… unaided and unsubsidized. North Korea funded it brainwise… North Korea funded it capitalwise…and North Korea funded manwise…
The great people of North Korea demonstrated to the world an attitude of “yes we can,” when everyone else is chanting, “no you can’t.”
The Great Supreme Leader’s Father, Kim Jong-il was a great trendsetter for peace…The bright sunshine of the 21st century is shinning and smiling on the “Chosen” in the spirit of his continuing trendsetting, for peace and togetherness for the North Korean people:
We want the world to travel with us and the two beautiful women bridging the Reunification Highway which represent the North and South coming together to support and image of a UNITED KOREA. The Unification Highway on the road from Kaesong to Pyongyang with the spirit of Kim Jong-Il hovering over us, commemorating his proposals put forward after the country's liberation from Japanese rule. Intended to bring the two halves of the country together to support an image of a UNITED KOREA. Let us sing Arirang (come home) one of the few songs virtually every Korean, on both sides of the DMZ can sing the refrain to.
Arirang, Arirang whose melody still continue to echo in the Geumsangsan Mountains, signifying his vision of world peace, from the 2005 Arirang Mass Games.
No East Korean…No West Korea…No South Korea…No North Korea… ”One Korea!!!”
January 4, 2017
Now the evil, corrupt, rigged, sexist, racist system against Trump moves towards the next phase of creating a situation that would pit President-elect Donald J. Trump against the supreme leader of North Korean Kim Jong-un.
April 12, 2017
President Trump is a genius, a legend in his own time, just as he said, “That he would not hesitate to talk with North Korean leader Kim Jong -un.” In that spirit he should follow up with an invitation to the North Korean leader to join him for dinner at the White House or Mar-A-Lago and have a spiritual conversation about the most important topic on earth: PEACE.
April 19, 2017
The corrupt rigged system became totally discombobulated at these cosmic and majestic words and it is currently in the devious process of trying to use North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un as a façade of the Communist Block to facetiously strike fear in the hearts of ‘We the People,’ hopefully and foolishly so, to inspire heated, incendiary rhetorical exchanges between two countries leaders, President Trump and President Kim Jong-un. Why? No doubt, as the danger is there if mishandled. The system, the establishment, the enemy’s false sense of pride is agitating the confrontational exchange despite the devastating result of such an explosive exchange could evolve into a nuclear exchange; where there is no winner
May 3, 2017
I have prognosticated the evil, corrupt system’s way of life and truthfully predicted this very evil and devious move against President Trump and The Trump Movement in several of my previous articles speculating on the evil corrupt system’s way of life, shady crooked moves against Donald J. Trump and The Trump Movement. Predicting rightly to the core of what we are suffering and experiencing today. On March 9, 2016, over a year ago, one such article called out the future of what we are experiencing today. We will reprint the March 9, 2016 article for your verification that it was one of several articles predicting the evil, corrupt systems manipulations of lies, prejudice, false beliefs, jealousy, hatred, bigotry, bias, divisiveness and devious agitation trying to bring about the forthcoming bout between President Donald J. Trump and Chairman Kim Jong-un. This big lie is a diplomatic disaster, a “set-up match,” to try to get Trump to act irrationally and cause a nuclear altercation. With the agitation of public opinion, the evil, corrupt, rigged, sexist and racist system hopes to create a volatile, explosive, incendiary situation by using inflammatory propaganda to ascertain its goal.
May 10, 2017
Now, the corrupt system, as predicted by me over a year ago, has shrewdly manipulated a tentative, could be dangerous confrontation with North Korea. North Korea’s propaganda machine is already accusing South Korea and America of trying to (in this could be confrontation) assassinate their Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un and threatening grave consequences in the event that action takes place.
May 17, 2017
May 24, 2017 (Breaking News)
The all powerful, evil, corrupt, rigged, sexist and racist system of control is trying to initiate a hostile atmosphere of confrontation with an adversarial nuclear power by pitting America against North Korea, trying to manipulate with lies, deceitful language, and false intents to create an aura of suspicion of each other’s actions. Hoping that President Trump or the Supreme Leader Kim Jong-Un, will do something foolish or offensive to the other that would result in a nuclear encounter under the guise that it was done to secure world peace and stability…or on the other hand, to protect pride and independence by not succumbing to a humiliating retreat…
May 24, 2017
Yet, the corrupt system that is at war with President Donald J. Trump continues to manipulate, agitations and incendiary propaganda to create a hostile nuclear power adversarial confrontation between President Trump and Supreme Leader Kim Jong-Un. Hoping to start a nuclear war, a nuclear war that could threaten our human existence here on planet earth. According to our late great President John F. Kennedy, “Today, should total war ever break out again -- no matter how -- our two countries will be the primary target. It is an ironic but accurate fact that the two strongest powers are the two in the most danger of devastation. All we have built, all we have worked for, would be destroyed in the first 24 hours.”
July 12, 2017
Happenstance, accidentally or on purpose; we do something which could precipitate a nuclear exchange? Then, in addition to the volcanic situation which perils the world. Add North Korea, a great country, a great leader Kim Jong-un "the chosen one," influenced and motivated by the spirit of America. Kim Jong-un has an attitude which dictates achievement and accomplishment, hard work, dedication and commitment along with a never fail attitude! "Yes I can…" in spite of the doom Sayers chanting, "no you can't." It's the time to be friends! Honorable Supreme leader Kim Jong-un… Love … Peace … Forgiveness. The great sunshine’s majestic sunlight blesses us with a vision of world trendsetting peace and harmony.
On the hillside above the North Korean city of Sanbong are the cosmic words: "Bravo Mr. Kim who is the greatest sunshine of the 21st century."
August 16, 2017
Please Heavenly Father, bless our shepherd President Trump with the wisdom and understanding to see through this veiled cloak of deception, the corrupt system’s devious instigating roll of provocateur in order to manipulate him through public opinion. Bless him with the wisdom to recognize, realize and appreciate the system’s sinister plot to agitate him through purple propaganda, by the bias, one-sided, double standard media’s serpentine tongue to talk him into having a hostile confrontation with North Korea’s leader Kim Jong Un.
Question: While we are supported by and supporting of our allies, is it not ignoble to expect that North Korea’s allies are doing the same in supporting Kim Jong Un and his regime in the same manner, with the same passion that we show to our allies and vise versa?
August 30, 2017
The irony of this dreadful, highly dangerous and explosive situation is that the evil, corrupt, rigged system’s hate for Trump….and the bias, double standard, one-sided media’s reporting. In their, the press’s, inordinately prejudicial zeal to stop and destroy President Trump, they have manipulated Trump into being the blame for any such nuclear exchange, God forbid, happening…Trump will be the perpetrator and the cause of what could be the worse death toll in the history of the world…while absolving the Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un, the so called bad guy, from doing any wrong and now becomes the victim of Trump’s lack of effective leadership…unfit to be President.
September 20, 2017
Please Heavenly Father, bless our shepherd President Trump with the wisdom and understanding to see through this veiled cloak web of lies and deception, the corrupt system’s devious instigating roll of provocateur that it is playing in order to manipulate him through public opinion. Bless him with the wisdom to recognize, realize and appreciate the system’s sinister plot to agitate him through purple propaganda, by the bias, one-sided, double standard media’s serpentine tongue to talk him into having a hostile confrontation with North Korea’s Supreme leader Kim Jong Un.
September 27, 2017 (Breaking News)
Please Heavenly Father, bless our shepherd President Trump with the wisdom and understanding to see through this veiled cloak web of lies and deception, the corrupt system’s devious instigating roll of provocateur that it is playing in order to manipulate him through public opinion. Bless him with the wisdom to recognize, realize and appreciate the system’s sinister plot to agitate him through purple propaganda, by the bias, one-sided, double standard media’s serpentine tongue to talk him into having a hostile confrontation with North Korea’s Supreme leader Kim Jong Un.
October 11, 2017
This remarkable program of mutual respect enables President Trump the opportunity of being able to try to prevent hostile actions from taking place rather than to try to cure them after taking place. NOKO supreme leader Kim Jong-un should not be exempt nor discriminated against from this remarkable spiritual invitation.
However, the evil, corrupt and rigged system truly underestimates the genius of our spiritually touched leader, President Donald J. Trump. The evil corrupt system, in its zeal to destroy President Trump and stop the Trump Movement, portrays President Trump as crazy, distrustful and that he lacks effective leadership capabilities. President Trump sees through the corrupt system’s devious plots and deceitful schemes to paint him in the eyes of public opinion as a maniacal provocateur of nuclear war. Therefore, to save the world, he should be impeached and removed from office.
However, our spiritually touched President Trump knows the corrupt system and is allowing ‘We the People,’ to bear witness to the evil corrupt system’s scurrilous actions of deception, through its purple propaganda of fake news and false stories about him, double standards and divisive bigotry while he master’s The Art of the Deal in trying to achieve peace in a hostile and divided world using respect as the catalyst, ingeniously inviting other world leaders to dinner, getting to know them, up close and personal, their culture, who they are and what they represent; conversations held in a climate of respect and an atmosphere of friendship.
This remarkable program of mutual respect enables President Trump the opportunity of being able to try to prevent hostile actions from taking place rather than to try to cure them after taking place. NOKO supreme leader Kim Jong-un should not be exempt nor discriminated against from this remarkable spiritual invitation.
There is no winner in a nuclear exchange!!!
There is no winner in a nuclear war!!!
Now the time has come for this nation to fulfill its promise…
“And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32
May the blessings of St. Francis be upon our president:
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
Where there is sadness, joy.
Almighty God, we Americans humbly pray to you to bless us with a peaceful transition of government and that nobody gets hurt in the process. Heavenly Father, please bless us with the guidance, the direction and the ways and means in which we, as Americans, can unite and become ONE AMERICA…touching the heart of President Donald J. Trump and enabling him to fulfill his promise and commitment to be President to ALL THE PEOPLE, while Making America Great Again. I ask and pray in the name of Jesus Christ, My Lord and Savior….Amen! Don King
God Bless America
God Bless the American People
God Bless President Donald J. Trump
God Bless our Military, men and women the Vanguard of our Nation
God Bless our Veterans
God Bless the Fallen but not Forgotten Heroes
1 Corinthians 16:13 “Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong.”
Only in America
Don King
The following is a reprint (in its entirety) from the LA Times, October 4, 2017 By Jay A. Pearson:
Op-Ed Donald Trump is a textbook racist
“Civil rights advocates, social scientists and regular citizens have all called out President Trump as a racist in recent weeks. The president’s supporters have countered with stories about the blacks and Latinos he has hired or befriended, and with personal testimonies: “I’ve known Donald Trump for many years. He doesn’t have a racist bone in his body.”
As a professor who researches and teaches courses on the health effects of race, racism and inequality, I can assure you that the president’s defenders are wrong. Trump is a racist. What he says and does meets the scholarly definition of the term.
Broadly speaking, a racist combines negative prejudicial biases with sufficient power to leverage action against targeted groups. Trump’s words and behaviors demonstrate considerable prejudicial bias, and, as president of the United States — arguably the most powerful office in the contemporary world — he has indeed leveraged action against various groups.
Racism is predicated on belief in the scientifically discredited concept of biological race. Skin color simply has no correlation with significant inherent distinctions among human beings. However, “race” in the past and now has led to notions of a natural hierarchy President Donald Trump tosses paper towels into a crowd like a basketball player taking a shot, at Calvary Chapel in Guaynabo, Puerto Rico on Oct. 3.
“Broadly speaking, a racist combines negative prejudicial biases with sufficient power to leverage action against targeted groups. among various populations. In the United States, it was used to justify stealing labor from black Africans through slavery and stealing land from red Native Americans through forced relocation and genocide.
As far back as Colonial days, northwestern European immigrants placed themselves at the pinnacle of the pecking order while relegating populations of color and other ethnic groups to inferior positions. False perceptions of inherent differences in traits, such as intelligence or work ethic, have been systematically associated with geographic origin, ancestry, skin color or some combination of all three.
Those supposed differences have justified restricting some groups’ access to resources and exposing them to all manner of risks in every sphere of life — cultural, educational, political and economic.
Scholars break racism into multiple categories:
Structural racism: Assigning social value to human populations contingent on misperceptions of inherent differences.
Symbolic racism: Rhetoric that delegitimizes others.
Institutional racism: Incorporating and formalizing misperceptions of differences into society through public policy.
Interpersonal racism: Acting on such misperceptions in direct or face-to-face interactions.
Insidious racism: Unconscious belief in and perpetuation of these phenomena.
Internalized racism: Among victimized populations, accepting and manifesting negative portrayals.
Systemic racism: The influence of these phenomena at multiple levels and across multiple dimensions of society.
Trump’s insensitive, disrespectful and mean-spirited statements and actions partake of all these variations. Throughout last year’s campaign and his first eight months in office, the president has expressed his bias through government orders and the presidential bully pulpit (systemic racism).
Trump argued that as a “Mexican,” U.S. District Court Judge Gonzalo Curiel, who was born and raised in the United States, could not fairly arbitrate lawsuits related to Trump University (structural racism). For years, Trump protested, falsely, that Barack Obama was not born in the U.S. and was consequently elected illegitimately (symbolic racism).
The Trump administration cut funds for Department of Homeland Security programs to combat right-wing fascism and white supremacy and it slow-walked Hurricane Maria aid to Puerto Ricans who “want everything done for them,” in the president’s words (institutional racism).
Trump’s actions, according to a growing number of mental health professionals, reveal deep-seated and possibly unconscious prejudices (insidious racism). He blatantly and directly disrespected Gold Star parents of South Asian origin (interpersonal racism). In response to the Trump travel ban, his threat to “deport them all” and his promise to build a wall on the border, many targeted immigrant populations report increased levels of social insecurity, anxiety and distress. Research demonstrates that among children, the result of such stress is compromised academic performance (internalized racism).
Trump and his supporters seem to believe that simple protestations to the contrary are sufficient to refute and erase his actions. Despite these claims, some in the Republican Party recognize the truth. Rep. Will Hurd of Texas and Sens. Lindsey Graham, Jeff Flake, John McCain and Mitch McConnell have all specifically spoken out against Trump’s worst behavior. Perhaps House Speaker Paul D. Ryan said it best when he responded to Trump’s statement about Curiel. “Isn’t that the textbook definition of racism?” Ryan asked.
The answer is simple: Yes, it is.”
Jay A. Pearson is an assistant professor in the Sanford School of Public Policy at Duke University.