Now the time has come for this nation to fulfill its promise…
Forgiveness, Redemption, Conversion, Faith…
President Donald Trump loves his country…America…and he loves the American people; he is loyal to his country and its people.
“There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” John 15:13
Loyalty is more than words; true loyalty will result in actions. Action is what President Trump is giving to ‘We the People,’…he lives, loves and breathes loyalty.
Now the time has come for this nation to fulfill its promise…
“And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32
President Trump is leading the way, by keeping his promise and commitment to the American people: “We are going to create a whole new system and we will take this system apart.” “I want to make America great again.” “America First!!!”
Remember Heather Heyer, the young 32-year old white woman, the American patriot who was murdered August 12, 2017 at Charlottesville, VA at a white supremacy HATE and violence rally. She was peacefully protesting against white supremacy HATE, racism and divisiveness. The rally was organized by white supremacy hate groups: the white supremacist, the KKK, the white nationalists, the white alt-right, the white neo-Nazis and the white RAM group which caused her death.
Heather Heyer’s death, her killing, evoked universal denouncement and condemnation, but, no punishment to the perpetrators, the white supremacist HATE organizations whose hate caused her MURDER.
Heather Heyer’s death must not be in vain. The corrupt, sexist and racist system is the criminal and the real enemy of America. Let us, ‘We the People,’ come together, join and support our spiritually touched leader, President Donald J. Trump, in the creation of a whole new system and transform the universal denouncement and condemnation, over Heather Heyer’s hate filled murder into universal legislation by the establishment of the Anti-White Supremacy Hate and Violence Law. ‘We the People,’ must establish this Anti-White Supremacy Hate and Violence Law in the cause of our freedom and in the support of our founding principles of Liberty.
The will of ‘We the People,’ in conjunction with our spiritually touched leader President Trump, must create, establish and implement the Anti-White Supremacy Hate and Violence Law not by force or fraud, but by law. The will of ‘We the People,’ can pay tribute to our fallen, but not forgotten, heroine Heather Heyer by naming the Anti-White Supremacy Hate and Violence Law…the Heather Heyer Anti-White Supremacy Hate and Violence Law.
Let us God fearing Americans come together with abiding faith in God and make America great again. The will of ‘We the People’ with the leadership of President Trump are better together.
Working Together Works!!!
Now the time has come for this nation to fulfill its promise
There is no winner in a nuclear exchange…there is no winner in a nuclear war…
The bias, double standard, one-sided media wants to blame President Trump and make us, ‘We the People,’ believe that President Trump is responsible for the horrifically dangerous situation that we are currently experiencing with North Korea’s Supreme Leader Kim Jong un in the exchange of threats between our spiritually touched leader President Trump and North Korea’s Supreme Leader Kim Jong un, which is absolutely not the case. The evil, corrupt, sexist and racist system of white supremacy Hate and control is to blame. A corrupt, rigged system of gender racism, the white woman and color racism, the African American / people of color, which was created and established over four hundred years ago, long before Donald J. Trump even existed…and before the nuclear development of weaponry ever came into existence.
Just as President Trump so profoundly states, “The bell for the prevention of nuclear development in regards to North Korea, should have been rung loudly and distinctively to stop nuclear development in no uncertain terms in nuclear development over 25 years ago.” Yet now the fake news and the bias media, through its purple propaganda, currently paint’s President Trump in no uncertain terms as the culprit. However it is the corrupt system which portrays Trump as our nuclear villain, incapable and unfit to be in control over our nuclear arsenal.
There is no winner a nuclear exchange…there is no winner in a nuclear war.
Now the time has come for this nation to fulfill its promise
“And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32
My article in the Call & Post on September 16, 2015 gives living testimony to my unequivocal belief that there is “no winner in a nuclear exchange” and that belief is substantiated by our late, great, visionary President John F. Kennedy’s nuclear warning to the American people in his Nuclear Peace Strategy speech June 10, 1963. I will reprint the September 16, 2015 and the September 30, 2015 articles in the Call & Post in which I whole heartedly supported the Landmark Diplomatic Iran – USA Nuclear Deal. I unwaveringly supported the Iran-US Nuclear Deal, not from a political point of view, but from a best deal to be made point of view, and I also supported the nuclear deal from a human survival, save humanity perspective point of view, with my unconditional faith in the Spirit of the Lord.
Now the time has come for this nation to fulfill its promise
“There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” John 15:13
My friend…and America’s friend, now the President Donald J. Trump is willing to put himself in harms way for America and he illustrated that on June 16, 2016 when he announced his candidacy to run for President of the United States of America to lead the fight against a corrupt, rigged, sexist and racist system on behalf of the American people.
The reprinting of both Call & Post articles from September 16th and September 30th, 2015 reflects and indicates the awesome and formidable power of this corrupt rigged system.
Donald J. Trump joins the victims, the will of ‘We the People,’ in their rejection of the corrupt system’s establishment form of government, thus becoming a victim himself with the will of ‘We the People,’ together, fighting against the crooked corrupt system in a battle for their Liberty and the restoration of the nation’s founding principles of Freedom. Thus, Trump becomes the spiritually touched leader of the will of ‘We the People, and the victim’s rejection movement.
Now, as the war transpires between the victims, the will of ‘We the People,’ and the victimizer, the oppressor, the corrupt system, the corrupt system illustrates and demonstrates its awesome, formidable power, by smoothly, cunningly and deceitfully manipulating and maneuvering Donald J. Trump, who is leading the fight against the system on behalf of the will of ‘We the People,’ into becoming the victimizer, (which is the system) the oppressor of the will of ‘We the People,’ but through the eyes of public opinion, which the system controls with fake news and purple propaganda President Trump and the will of ‘We the people, become the victimizer. Both articles, from the Call & Post indicatively reflect and illustrate that the system is the criminal not Donald J. Trump, who personifies the truth…Now President Donald J. Trump who echoes William Cullen Bryant in that “the truth crushed to the earth will rise again.” And he steadfastly personifies the truth of Thomas Carlyle statement that “No lie can live forever.”
However this war between President Trump and the media has been taken way out of context and has become much too vindictive and personal to serve the good of ‘We the people,” the American people.
The vetting process should be applicable to all government officials to prevent despotism and government abuse and to ensure our freedom and democracy.
The media was designed from the freedom of speech to be fair, impartial, unbiased and truthful through its investigating of information with its sole purpose of revealing facts of truth.
The media’s significance to American democracy can best be served when it follows the guidelines of ethics and integrity that it currently castigates many of its subjects for.
The Constitution and the Founding Principles of America deserves that and We the people,’ the American people demand it, and this means while regularly vilifying our President, those resources would be better served by exposing the ills that divide use.
The vetting process should be applicable to all government officials to prevent despotism and government abuse and to ensure our freedom and democracy.
May the blessings of St. Francis be upon our president:
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
Where there is sadness, joy.
Almighty God, we Americans humbly pray to you to bless us with a peaceful transition of government and that nobody gets hurt in the process. Heavenly Father, please bless us with the guidance, the direction and the ways and means in which we, as Americans, can unite and become ONE AMERICA…touching the heart of President Donald J. Trump and enabling him to fulfill his promise and commitment to be President to ALL THE PEOPLE, while Making America Great Again. I ask and pray in the name of Jesus Christ, My Lord and Savior….Amen! Don King
God Bless America
God Bless the American People
God Bless President Donald J. Trump
God Bless our Military, men and women the Vanguard of our Nation
God Bless our Veterans
God Bless the Fallen but not Forgotten Heroes
1 Corinthians 16:13 “Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong.”
Only in America
Don King
Reprint Call & Post September 16, 2015
President Kennedy set template for Iran Nuclear agreement
By Don King
Call & Post Publisher
My Fellow Americans the Landmark Diplomatic Nuclear Deal with Iran
stands at the threshold of world peace.
The question is, can we accomplish It.???
The answer is… YES!
With faith in God, tolerance, patience, wisdom, understanding and respect for the other people’s culture…because:
“In too many of our duties the peace is not secure because freedom is incomplete.” –President John F. Kennedy
America and Iran working together with P5+1 nuclear powers have negotiated a remarkable nuclear deal, literally snatching victory out of the jaws of defeatism.
“I have, therefore, chosen this time and place to discuss a topic on which ignorance too often abounds and the truth too rarely perceived -- AND THAT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT TOPIC ON EARTH: PEACE!”
“What kind of peace do I mean, and what kind of a peace do we seek? Not a Pax Americana enforced on the world by American weapons of war, not the peace of the grave or the security of the slave. I am talking about genuine peace -- the kind of peace that makes life on earth worth living -- and the kind that enables men and nations to grow and to hope and build a better life for their children -- not merely peace for Americans, but peace for all men and women -- not merely peace in our time but peace in all time.
I speak of peace because of the NEW FACE OF WAR. Total war makes no sense in an age where great powers can maintain large and relatively invulnerable nuclear forces and refuse to surrender without resort to those forces. It makes no sense in an age where A SINGLE NUCLEAR WEAPON CONTAINS ALMOST TEN TIMES THE EXPLOSIVE FORCE DELIVERED BY ALL THE ALLIED AIR FORCES IN THE SECOND WORLD WAR. IT MAKES NO SENSE IN AN AGE WHEN THE DEADLY POISONS PRODUCED BY A NUCLEAR EXCHANGE WOULD BE CARRIED BY WIND AND WATER AND SOIL AND SEED TO THE FAR CORNERS OF THE GLOBE AND TO GENERATIONS YET UNBORN.”
-President John F. Kennedy-
Our late great President John Fitzgerald Kennedy whose remarkable vision has set the tone for President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry to negotiate a remarkable nuclear deal with Iran, bearing in mind as our visionary President Kennedy said, “that total war makes no sense in an age when a single nuclear weapon contains almost 10 times the explosive force delivered by all of the allied air forces in the World War II.”
President John F. Kennedy is telling us in every spiritual way that any kind of preventative measure that prevents nuclear war should be accepted and supported,
therefore, the remarkable nuclear deal negotiated by President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry should be universally approved.
President Kennedy goes on to say:
“I speak of peace, therefore, as the necessary rational end of rational men. I realize the pursuit of peace is not as dramatic as the pursuit of war -- and frequently the words of the pursuers fall on deaf ears. But we have no more URGENT TASK.”
“Some say that it is useless to speak of peace or world law or world disarmament -- and that it will be useless until the leaders of the Soviet Union adopt a more enlightened attitude. I hope they do. I believe we can help them do it.”
“But I also believe that we must re-examine our own attitudes -- as individuals and as a nation -- for our attitude is as essential as theirs. And every graduate of this school, every thoughtful citizen who despairs of war and wishes to bring peace, should begin by looking inward -- by examining his own attitude towards the possibilities of peace, towards the Soviet Union, towards the course of the cold war and towards freedom and peace here at home.”
Herein lies President John F. Kennedy is urging the Soviet Union Bloc to adopt a more enlightened attitude. “I hope they do,” stated President Kennedy.
Today President Barack Obama and Secretary John Kerry is urging Iran to accept a more enlighten attitude and Iran did accept a more enlighten attitude, and publically stated to the world a universal commitment “NOT TO DEVELOP A NUCLEAR BOMB.”
Just as President Kennedy said: “I believe we can help them to do it.”
That’s just what President Barack Obama and Secretary John Kerry has done. They have helped Iran, and Iran has accepted their help and adopted a world commitment to stop all nuclear development other than those for peaceful purposes.
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani says: “We will never develop nuclear weapons in this administration.”
American Iranian Council, Executive Director, EMAD KIYAE says: “I think that this is a major breakthrough in talks. Also Iran’s commitment to the latest frameworks indicates that Iran will go beyond the Nuclear non-proliferation treaty to make sure the international community can verify, monitor and have an understanding over Iran’s Nuclear program that’s aimed for peaceful purposes. These are major commitments and I believe Iran will keep and honor them.”
President Kennedy’s nuclear guidelines visualized more than 50 years ago
foresees and foretells; President Obama conceives theses guidelines and is actively trying to fulfill them.
“First, let us examine our attitude towards peace itself. Too many of us think it is impossible. Too many think it is unreal. But that is a dangerous, defeatist belief. It leads to the conclusion that war is inevitable -- that mankind is doomed -- that we are gripped by forces we cannot control.
We need not accept that view. Our problems are man-made. Therefore, they can be solved by man. And man can be as big as he wants. No problem of human destiny is beyond human beings. Man's reason and spirit have often solved the seemingly unsolvable -- and we believe they can do it again.
I am not referring to the absolute, infinite concepts of universal peace and goodwill of which some fantasies and fanatics dream. I do not deny the value of hopes and dreams but we merely invite discouragement and incredulity by making that our only and immediate goal.” –President John F. Kennedy-
YESTERDAY, TODAY AND TOMORROW: We are talking about world nuclear peace. The face of Yesterday, was the Soviet Union; The face of Today is Iran, and the face of Tomorrow ??? Who ever it may be…, the meaning of President Kennedy’s God sent vision is all the same…”PREVENTION OF NUCLEAR WAR!”
This is not a debate, nor discussion or something you may give lip service to. This is something you must give life service to… This is a choice of life and death. Therefore we cannot allow that, evil misguided way of life system of superiority and inferiority that killed President John F. Kennedy to continue to prevail.
I want to prayerfully introduce the spiritual connection between Israel and Iran.
(This is the writing that was written)
“MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN” changed to peres.
(Numbered, numbered, weighed, divided: the miraculous hand writing on the wall interpreted by Daniel a man of God as foretelling the destruction of and his kingdom.)
MEME- “God Hath numbers thy Kingdom and finished it”
TEKEL- “Thou Belshazzar” Art Weighed in Balances and Art found wanting, “
Significant to note:
God sent Cyrus The Great, The Iranian Persian King to take the Jews out of slavery in Babylon and grant them freedom and send them to Jerusalem.
Everything that’s practical tells me that the Iranian Nuclear Deal should spiritually be accepted and supported.
A Jew name Mordecai who sits at the gate of the city, over hears a plot to kill the Iranian Persian King. Mordecai’s niece Esther has been maneuvered into the Iranian Persian King’s concubine without the King knowing that she is a Jewess. Haman, a Jew Hater is a consultant and advisor to the Iranian Persian King. Mordecai reveals to his niece Esther about the plot to kill The King. Thanks to Mordecai the plot was exposed and defeated and saved The King’s life... In the meantime, Haman has been manipulating The King into putting his seal on many Jewish death decrees, responsible for many-many Jewish lives. Mordecai finds Esther and tells her to tell The King about herself and about that fiend, that monster Haman.
Esther appeared frightened and Mordecai asked her the question? “Esther have you forgotten that you are a Jew?
Esther asked The King, what would you do for a man who saved your life?
The King pondered and then went out to the balcony to meditate about what he should do for a man who would save his life.
Haman, now knowing that Esther is a Jew, tries to whisper to her and in the process, falls on top of her, as The King is returning from the balcony. “You have violated my wife! The King screams, Penalty punishable by death.” Thus, Haman becomes a victim of his own hatred for the Jews. Haman is hung on his own noose platform that he built to hang Jews, and then Mordecai is rewarded by becoming consultant and advisor to the King, which enabled him to save Jewish life.
Again it is significant to note that the God of Israel in both of these instances has anointed and chose Iranian Persian Kings to help save Jewish life. Why can’s Israel and Iran follow the God of Israel’s WILL today…???
Just as he did in sending Cyrus The Great to Babylon to free the Jews, now God is using Mordecai, Queen Esther and The Iranian Persian King to save the Jews in The Book of Esther.
Everything that’s Holy, tells me that the Nuclear deal with Iran should be spiritually accepted and supported.
“The uproar in the press at the stunning defeat of Eric Cantor, the former majority leader of the house, ‘unrivaled’ in the history of congressional primaries,” according to the New York Times, has shown a spotlight on (the evil misguided way of life system) the persistence of racism in the United States.
Again, according to the Times, David Brat’s most effective campaign tool was a photograph showing Cantor standing next to President Barack Obama, Brat knowing (the evil misguided way of life system) took it for granted that a connection to Obama (a Black man) would be disliked by voters in question, but the Times added, “that such CONSERVATIVE FAR RIGHT REPUBLICANS HAVE A VOCAL BASE THAT DEMANDS UNFLINCHING OPPOSITION TO OBAMA and are determined to stage confrontations with the President at every juncture.”
“It is discouraging to think that their leaders may actually believe what their propagandists write.” John F. Kennedy
It’s is frightening and shocking to me that the far right conservatives may think they are opposing the Nuclear Deal when they are actually voting in reality is against Blackness, but if the alternative is nuclear war it will be destruction of all man kind.
“Presidents have been subjected to stinging attacks before, Franklin D. Roosevelt was royally hated by conservatives for his advocacy for social programs and support for unions; President Abraham Lincoln was shot for his tolerance of the recent enemy (Black slaves and free Blacks). Ironically, Obama has never strongly pushed for the strong social programs liberals expected of him. He has, indeed been quite passive in his approach to governing. Conservatives ought therefore to have recognized that for a Democrat Obama was about as good as they could get.”
But, says the Times, “any hint of cooperation with the President” was the kiss of death for candidates in conservative territory. It is possible to draw only one conclusion: These far right voters hate Obama because he is Black.
“This racism must be repudiated and replaced by A NEW NATION under God conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men and women are created equal.”- President Abraham Lincoln -
This is personification of the truth of, that evil way of life system. That evil way of life system of white supremacy and control which we live by daily, based on white superiority and inferiority of the white women and people of color inferiority, the resonance of slavery is very much alive today just as it was yesterday and will be tomorrow, unless we God fearing and freedom loving Americans change this evil system, which considers both the white woman and the slaves as property and inferior.
This evil slave master propaganda predicated on racism, hatred, color inferiority and women inferiority and is increasing throughout America. (“This root cause of racism must be dealt with before it can be dismantled or diminished” CCT)
“The simple truth is that there is still in America an irreducible measure of racism.
A large minority for some six years have been quietly angry that they must have IN THE WHITE HOUSE A MEMBER OF AN INFERIOR CLASS OF PEOPLE. Until recently however, they have felt constrained to keep their mouths shut. BUT AMERICA’S INCREASING TOLERANCE OF THE FAR RIGHT OPINION HAS MADE RACISM MORE ACCEPTABLE, SO LONG AS IT CAN BE DISGUISED, HOWEVER THINLY, AS POLITICS.”
“In it’s reporting on the subject it says only that Cantor’s problem was his support for immigration reform, including the legalization of people who have been smuggled in as children. There is no doubt that easing of restrictions on immigration, which basically means admitting more Hispanics from Central and South America, is opposed by substantial numbers of Americans.
So doing is entirely consistent with what we know about the behavior of groups about which I (James Lincoln Collier of West View) have written in West View before groups don’t like strangers, and to non-Hispanic Americans, these Central Americans are strangers, with a different language and a set of folkway. But Blacks are seen as even more “different.” In this viewpoint, Obama is “not one of us” to many Americans and is therefore, is not exactly the enemy at least an outsider.
(what James Collier knows as David Brat knew that evil misguided way of life system that is deeply ingrained into the psyche of America instilled by the evil misguided way system of attitudes, beliefs, privilege, pride, behavior, customs, tradition, myths, superiority, inferiority, falsehoods and symbols.)
William Cullen Bryant says; “the truth crushed to the earth will rise again.”
Thomas Carlyle says; “No lie can live forever.”
Under no circumstances can we afford to lose the principle essence of liberty in the founding of this nation by the founding Fathers of America, which is life, liberty, freedom and equality. Based upon The Constitution of Untied States, The Bill of Rights, The Declaration of Independence and Preamble to the Constitution of this great nation called America.
“We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain Unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness….” Thomas Jefferson
We the people must reject and resist any and all attempts by the far right conservatives to improperly leverage false arguments and to distort the truth by using, money, greed and avarice, pride, influence propaganda and advertising in order to distort the truth and influence voters to justify their representatives voting against the Nuclear Deal with Iran. Thereby joining the collective death wish for the world that President Kennedy spoke of, sentencing their children, their families, and their love ones to death in the event the alternative is nuclear war.
I urge all of our representatives who are voting against the Nuclear Deal with Iran to talk to God and reconsider, and, because if alternative results in Nuclear War, later saying I’m sorry doesn’t count after the lost of millions of lives.
Common sense unequivocally dictates that any person, group, institution, political party or government that opposes this nuclear deal with Iran is undoubtedly anti-Israel, anti-Iran, anti-Peace in the Middle East, anti-American and anti-life for the world.
Having said that, my love for America and the Great American people compels me to revisit once again that evil misguided way of life system predicated on prejudice and white supremacy, but we must remind ourselves that John Fitzgerald Kennedy was white, Robert Kennedy was white, white women are white, Viola Liuzzo and Gregg Fauver was white, President Abraham Lincoln, John Brown, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner was white, their children and family are white.
“There are those in our own country too who today speak of the ‘protection of country,’ of ‘survival.’ A decision must be made in the life of every nation at the very moment when the grasp of the enemy is at its throat. Then, it seems that the only way to survive is to use the means of the enemy, to rest survival upon what is expedient, to look the other way. Well, the answer to that is ‘ survival as what’? A Country isn’t a rock. It’s not an extension of one’s self. It’s what it stands for. It’s what it stands for when standing for something is most difficult! Before the people of the world, let it now be noted here, in our decision, this is what we stand for: Justice, truth and the value of a single human being.”
Our late great President John F. Kennedy who so profoundly summed up the significance of world PEACE:
“With such a peace, and conflicting quarrels, as there within families and nations. World peace, like community peace, does not require that each man love it’s neighbor—it requires only that they live together with mutual tolerance, submitting their dispute to a just and peaceful settlement. And history teaches us that enmities between nations, as between individuals, do not last forever. However fixed our likes and dislikes may seem, the tide of time and events will often bring surprising changes in the relation between a nation and neighbors.
So let us persevere. Peace need not be impracticable—and war need not be inevitable. By defining our goal more clearly---by making it seem manageable less remote—we can help all people to see it, to draw hope from it and to move irresistibly towards it.”
God Bless All America
God Bless Our President Obama
God Bless The Spirit of President John F. Kennedy
God Bless The American People
Only in America
Don King
By Don King
Call & Post Publisher
Reprint Call & Post September 30, 2015
President John F. Kennedy exemplary nuclear peace strategy
“ Don’t let that evil misguided way of life system destroy us all, Black and White alike, under the guise of politics.”
By Don King
Call & Post Publisher
“I have, therefore, chosen this time and place to discuss a topic on which ignorance too often abounds and the truth too rarely perceived -- AND THAT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT TOPIC ON EARTH: PEACE!” President John F. Kennedy
“I speak of peace because of the new face of war. Total war makes no sense in an age where great powers can maintain large and relatively invulnerable nuclear forces and refuse to surrender without resort to those forces. It makes no sense in an age where a single nuclear weapon contains almost ten times the explosive force delivered by all the Allied air forces in the Second World War. It makes no sense in an age when the deadly poisons produced by a nuclear exchange would be carried by the wind and water and soil and seed to the far corners of the globe and to generations unborn.”
“In too many of our duties the peace is not secure because freedom is incomplete.”
–President John F. Kennedy
The problem comes from the steadfast tenacious, evil misguided way of life system, which makes, right wrong and wrong right, predicated on white supremacy and control, prejudice, hatred, divisiveness, white women inferiority, and people of color inferiority.
“The uproar in the press at the stunning defeat of Eric Cantor, the former majority leader of the house, ‘unrivaled’ in the history of congressional primaries,” according to the New York Times, has shown a spotlight on the persistence of racism in the United States. But, says the Times, “any hint of cooperation with the President” was the kiss of death for candidates in conservative territory. It is possible to draw only one conclusion: These far right voters hate Obama because he is Black.
Again, according to the Times, David Brat’s most effective campaign tool was a photograph showing Cantor standing next to President Barack Obama, Brat knowing (the evil misguided way of life system) took it for granted that a connection to Obama (a Black man) would be disliked by voters in question, but the Times added, “that such CONSERVATIVE FAR RIGHT REPUBLICANS HAVE A VOCAL BASE THAT DEMANDS UNFLINCHING OPPOSITION TO OBAMA AND ARE DETERMINED TO STAGE CONFRONTATIONS WITH THE PRESIDENT AT EVERY JUNCTURE.”
THAT AUTOMATICALLY MAKES THE NUCLEAR PEACE AGREEMENT WITH IRAN ONE OF THOSE JUNCTURES of opposition to President Obama, and if so the question will be, CAN COMMON SENSE AND SURVIVAL… override an evil misguided way of life system with a fixed deeply ingrained hatred for blackness.
What are the issues that will be put on the table for consideration to be analyzed, evaluated and judged for a better America and a better world?
The consideration for extended American life, living under the principles of God given unalienable rights of life, liberty, equality, freedom and pursuit of happiness for all Americans, and living in peace with the world, or the conservative far right point view judgment, of NON-COOPERATION with President Obama and Blackness. If they adopt that conservative far right point of view of judgment then white superiority and control, prejudice, supersedes human life and SURVIVAL, which could result into an accidental nuclear war with the possibility of destroying this planet we live on, as President Kennedy so profoundly stated.
“And above all, while defending our own vital interests, nuclear powers must avert those confrontations, which bring an adversary to a choice of either a humiliating retreat or a nuclear war. TO ADOPT THAT KIND OF COURSE IN THE NUCLEAR AGE WOULD BE EVIDENCE ONLY OF THE BANKRUPTCY OF OUR POLICY -- OR OF A COLLECTIVE DEATH-WISH FOR THE WORLD.” President John F. Kennedy
That’s just what President Obama and Secretary John Kerry and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani avoided (Collective Death Wish) in negotiating this miraculous nuclear peace agreement while at the same time, combating the sinister forces of DOUBT, DISBELIEF AND DISTRUST.
In addition President Barack Obama, Secretary John Kerry and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, miraculously developed a direct line of communication between America and Iran, “to avoid on each side the dangerous delays, the misunderstandings and misreading’s of the other’s action which might occur at a time of crisis,” as President Kennedy spoke of between Moscow and America in his speech. What President Obama and Secretary Kerry achieved and accomplished in the Nuclear Peace agreement.
I find it frightening and scary, shocked with apprehension and fear, at what could happen to my fellow Americans, all races, colors, creeds and religions, after reading from President John F. Kennedy’s profound nuclear strategy: (IT MAKES NO SENSE IN AN AGE WHERE A SINGLE NUCLEAR WEAPON CONTAINS ALMOST TEN TIMES THE EXPLOSIVE FORCE DELIVERED BY ALL THE ALLIED AIR FORCES IN THE SECOND WORLD WAR.”)
I love America and I love the American people of all races, colors, creeds and religions and I don’t want anything to happen to them wittingly or unwittingly, by design or accident.
To all those critics of President Obama and Blackness, criticizing the Nuclear Peace agreement, accusing Iran of lies and betrayal and not keeping their word and fulfilling their commitment to the agreement and using their hatred for Obama, instead of their love for America:
“No treaty, however much it may be to the advantage of all, however tightly it may be worded, can provide absolute security against the risks of deception and evasion. But it can -- if it is sufficiently effective in its enforcement and it is sufficiently in the interests of its signers -- offer far more security and far fewer risks than an unabated, uncontrolled, unpredictable arms race.”
“Today, should total war ever break out again -- no matter how -- our two countries (AMERICA: The Soviet Union and Iran) will be the primary targets. It is an ironic but accurate fact that the two strongest powers are the two in the most danger of devastation. All we have built, all we have worked for, would be destroyed in the first 24 hours.” President John F. Kennedy
Taking into consideration of the devastation that will be wreaked on America and world as the consequences of a nuclear exchange that President Kennedy so profoundly stated. WE MUST APPROVE THE NUCLEAR PEACE AGREEMENT.
This is over and above and beyond any normal issues that we will be confronted with; this is a matter of choice of life and death. There is no rematch clause in a nuclear exchange. This is not a game or competition, this not a debate or discussion, this is a choice of humanity of life, living in nuclear peace or dying and a death wish for the world.
We as Americans don’t want prejudice, bigotry, or, an evil misguided way of life system speaking for humanity on our behalf with a prejudice bias, segregated point of view, for a selected class of people. We want a clear and unbiased, unmitigated God like judgment speaking on behalf of all the people.
Our late great President John F. Kennedy who so profoundly summed up the significance of world PEACE:
“So let us persevere. Peace need not be impracticable—and war need not be inevitable. By defining our goal more clearly---by making it seem manageable less remote—we can help all people to see it, to draw hope from it and to move irresistibly towards it.”
We’re not helpless before that task or hopeless of its success; Confident and unafraid we must labor on, not towards strategy alienation, but towards a strategy of peace.
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani says: “We will never develop nuclear weapons in this administration.”
American Iranian Council President and Founder Hooshang Amirahmadi stated: “Distrust is the core Problem.”
American Iranian Council, Executive Director, EMAD KIYAE says: “I think that this is a major breakthrough in talks. Also Iran’s commitment to the latest frameworks indicates that Iran will go beyond the Nuclear non-proliferation treaty to make sure the international community can verify, monitor and have an understanding over Iran’s Nuclear program that’s aimed for peaceful purposes. These are major commitments and I believe Iran will keep and honor them.”
President Kennedy’s nuclear guidelines visualized more than 50 years ago
foresees and foretells; President Obama conceives theses guidelines and is actively trying to fulfill them.
“First, let us examine our attitude towards peace itself. Too many of us think it is impossible. Too many think it is unreal. But that is a dangerous, defeatist belief. It leads to the conclusion that war is inevitable -- that mankind is doomed -- that we are gripped by forces we cannot control.
We need not accept that view. Our problems are man-made. Therefore, they can be solved by man. And man can be as big as he wants. No problem of human destiny is beyond human beings. Man's reason and spirit have often solved the seemingly unsolvable -- and we believe they can do it again.
I am not referring to the absolute, infinite concepts of universal peace and goodwill of which some fantasies and fanatics dream. I do not deny the value of hopes and dreams but we merely invite discouragement and incredulity by making that our only and immediate goal.” –President John F. Kennedy-
YESTERDAY, TODAY AND TOMORROW: We are talking about world nuclear peace. The face of Yesterday, was the Soviet Union; The face of Today is Iran, and the face of Tomorrow ??? Who ever it may be… the meaning of President Kennedy’s God sent vision is all the same…”PREVENTION OF NUCLEAR WAR!”
I want to prayerfully introduce the spiritual connection between Israel and Iran.
(This is the writing that was written)
“MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN” changed to peres.
(Numbered, numbered, weighed, divided: the miraculous hand writing on the wall interpreted by Daniel a man of God as foretelling the destruction of and his kingdom.)
MEME- “God Hath numbers thy Kingdom and finished it”
TEKEL- “Thou Belshazzar” Art Weighed in Balances and Art found wanting, “
Significant to note:
God sent Cyrus The Great, The Iranian Persian King to take the Jews out of slavery in Babylon and grant them freedom and send them to Jerusalem.
Everything that’s practical tells me that the Iranian Nuclear Deal should spiritually be accepted and supported.
A Jew name Mordecai who sits at the gate of the city, over hears a plot to kill the Iranian Persian King. Mordecai’s niece Esther has been maneuvered into the Iranian Persian King’s concubine without the King knowing that she is a Jewess. Haman, a Jew Hater is a consultant and advisor to the Iranian Persian King. Mordecai reveals to his niece Esther about the plot to kill The King. Thanks to Mordecai the plot was exposed and defeated and saved The King’s life... In the meantime, Haman has been manipulating The King into putting his seal on many Jewish death decrees, responsible for many-many Jewish lives. Mordecai finds Esther and tells her to tell The King about herself and about that fiend, that monster Haman.
Esther appeared frightened and Mordecai asked her the question? “Esther have you forgotten that you are a Jew?
Esther asked The King, what would you do for a man who saved your life?
The King pondered and then went out to the balcony to meditate about what he should do for a man who would save his life.
Haman, now knowing that Esther is a Jew, tries to whisper to her and in the process, falls on top of her, as The King is returning from the balcony. “You have violated my wife! The King screams, Penalty punishable by death.” Thus, Haman becomes a victim of his own hatred for the Jews. Haman is hung on his own noose platform that he built to hang Jews, and then Mordecai is rewarded by becoming consultant and advisor to the King, which enabled him to save Jewish life.
Again it is significant to note that the God of Israel in both of these instances has anointed and chose Iranian Persian Kings to help save Jewish life. Why can’s Israel and Iran follow the God of Israel’s WILL today…???
Just as he did in sending Cyrus The Great to Babylon to free the Jews, now God is using Mordecai, Queen Esther and The Iranian Persian King to save the Jews in The Book of Esther.
Everything that’s Holy, tells me that the Nuclear deal with Iran should be spiritually accepted and supported.
“Presidents have been subjected to stinging attacks before, Franklin D. Roosevelt was royally hated by conservatives for his advocacy for social programs and support for unions; President Abraham Lincoln was shot for his tolerance of the recent enemy (Black slaves and free Blacks). Ironically, Obama has never strongly pushed for the strong social programs liberals expected of him. He has, indeed been quite passive in his approach to governing. Conservatives ought therefore to have recognized that for a Democrat Obama was about as good as they could get.”
“This racism must be repudiated and replaced by A NEW NATION under God conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men and women are created equal.”- President Abraham Lincoln -
This is personification of the truth of, that evil way of life system. That evil way of life system of white supremacy and control which we live by daily, based on white superiority and inferiority of the white women and people of color inferiority, the resonance of slavery is very much alive today just as it was yesterday and will be tomorrow, unless we God fearing and freedom loving Americans change this evil system, which considers both the white woman and the slaves as property and inferior.
This evil slave master propaganda predicated on racism, hatred, color inferiority and women inferiority and is increasing throughout America. (“This root cause of racism must be dealt with before it can be dismantled or diminished” CCT)
“The simple truth is that there is still in America an irreducible measure of racism.
A large minority for some six years have been quietly angry that they must have IN THE WHITE HOUSE A MEMBER OF AN INFERIOR CLASS OF PEOPLE. Until recently however, they have felt constrained to keep their mouths shut. BUT AMERICA’S INCREASING TOLERANCE OF THE FAR RIGHT OPINION HAS MADE RACISM MORE ACCEPTABLE, SO LONG AS IT CAN BE DISGUISED, HOWEVER THINLY, AS POLITICS.”
“In it’s reporting on the subject it says only that Cantor’s problem was his support for immigration reform, including the legalization of people who have been smuggled in as children. There is no doubt that easing of restrictions on immigration, which basically means admitting more Hispanics from Central and South America, is opposed by substantial numbers of Americans.
So doing is entirely consistent with what we know about the behavior of groups about which I (James Lincoln Collier of West View) have written in West View before groups don’t like strangers, and to non-Hispanic Americans, these Central Americans are strangers, with a different language and a set of folkway. But Blacks are seen as even more “different.” In this viewpoint, Obama is “not one of us” to many Americans and is therefore, is not exactly the enemy at least an outsider.
(what James Collier knows as David Brat knew that evil misguided way of life system that is deeply ingrained into the psyche of America instilled by the evil misguided way of life system of attitudes, beliefs, privilege, pride, behavior, customs, tradition, myths, superiority, inferiority, falsehoods and symbols.)
William Cullen Bryant says; “the truth crushed to the earth will rise again.”
Thomas Carlyle says; “No lie can live forever.”
Under no circumstances can we afford to lose the principle essence of liberty in the founding of this nation by the founding Fathers of America, which is life, liberty, freedom and equality. Based upon The Constitution of Untied States, The Bill of Rights, The Declaration of Independence and Preamble to the Constitution of this great nation called America.
“We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain Unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness….” President Thomas Jefferson
We the people must reject and resist any and all attempts by the far right conservatives to improperly leverage false arguments and to distort the truth by using, money, greed and avarice, pride, influence propaganda and advertising in order to distort the truth and influence voters to justify their representatives voting against the Nuclear Deal with Iran. Thereby joining the collective death wish for the world that President Kennedy spoke of, sentencing their children, their families, and their love ones to death in the event the alternative is nuclear war.
I urge all of our representatives who are voting against the Nuclear Deal with Iran to talk to God and reconsider, and, because if alternative results in Nuclear War, later saying I’m sorry doesn’t count after the lost of millions of lives.
Common sense unequivocally dictates that any person, group, institution, political party or government that opposes this nuclear deal with Iran is undoubtedly anti-Israel, anti-Iran, and anti-Peace in the Middle East, anti-American and anti-life for the world.
Having said that, my love for America and the Great American people compels me to revisit once again that evil misguided way of life system predicated on prejudice and white supremacy, but we must remind ourselves that John Fitzgerald Kennedy was white, Robert Kennedy was white, white women are white, Viola Fauver Gregg Liuzzo was white, President Abraham Lincoln, John Brown, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner was white, their children and family are white.
“There are those in our own country too who today speak of the ‘protection of country,’ of ‘survival.’ A decision must be made in the life of every nation at the very moment when the grasp of the enemy is at its throat. Then, it seems that the only way to survive is to use the means of the enemy, to rest survival upon what is expedient, to look the other way. Well, the answer to that is ‘ survival as what’? A Country isn’t a rock. It’s not an extension of one’s self. It’s what it stands for. It’s what it stands for when standing for something is most difficult! Before the people of the world, let it now be noted here, in our decision, this is what we stand for: Justice, truth and the value of a single human being.”
Our late great President John F. Kennedy who so profoundly summed up the significance of world PEACE:
“With such a peace, and conflicting quarrels, as there within families and nations. World peace, like community peace, does not require that each man love it’s neighbor—it require only that they live together with mutual tolerance, submitting their dispute to a just and peaceful settlement. And history teaches us that enmities between nations, as between individuals, do not last forever. However fixed our likes and dislikes may seem, the tide of time and events will often bring surprising changes in the relation between a nation and neighbors.
So let us persevere. Peace need not be impracticable—and war need not be inevitable. By defining our goal more clearly---by making it seem manageable less remote—we can help all people to see it, to draw hope from it and to move irresistibly towards it.”
God Bless All America
God Bless Our President Obama
God Bless The Spirit of President John F. Kennedy
God Bless The American People
‘Only in America’
Don King