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Day of Decision for Cleveland

As citizens of the City of Cleveland, we are honored to be presented with two outstanding candidates seeking the Executive position of Mayor. Namely, Mr. Zack Reed a seasoned Councilman having served 16 years, as well as the current Mayor Mr. Frank Jackson, seeking a fourth term as Mayor. Both are viable candidates. Both have given their time, effort and expertise, serving Cleveland with drive, determination and distinction.

Certainly, out of the field of candidates who offered their services, we have the honor of choosing from arguably the best from among the rest. We have however, one final choice to make. Who will be the next Mayor of the City of Cleveland? Who, now from a field of two, will best position Cleveland to meet the challenges of tomorrow as well as deal with our current concerns. Who will reach higher to take us further into the future with sight, insight and foresight with a vision of victory for all of Cleveland? Because of the urgency of the season before us, we are encouraging all of Cleveland to cast your votes on November 7, 2017 and let your voices be heard.

After careful consideration of all facts and factors, it is our determination that the best man for the Job in this season, is our current Mayor Mr. Frank Jackson. We believe that experiential value coupled with familiarity with where we are as a City, positions Mr. Jackson at a significant advantage over his opponent. As stated in an earlier article, “political perfection can never be achieved; political advances however, are often weighted on the scale of repeated performance.” We believe that Mr. Jackson possesses the political power and prowess to deal with the ever changing political environment where we live. Our concerns are genuine, our concerns are serious and our concerns must place a demand on the person who will occupy the office of Mayor of Cleveland as never before. Therefore, we insist that status quo actions and responses have no place in the future of Cleveland. We demand the different and the better than ever.

Mr. Jackson has made promises that have been indelibly etched into our hearts and minds. Should he be re-elected, we will not forget promised improvements to our streets and neighborhoods; the demolition of dilapidated structures; addressing the policing issues in the City; addressing our concerns for our children and the aged as well as every other promise made in every church and political forum. We cannot stress more the need to have every promise made evidenced with action and results ‘as promised.’

This is a serious season presenting serious issues that demand positive and effectual responses. We therefore view every promise as a covenant with the citizens of this City that must be kept. Should either canidate be-elected as Mayor of Cleveland, we the people must hold his feet firm in the fire.

Should he fail to keep his covenant with Cleveland, we the people have the constitutional right of recall. In fact, we will lead the march against what is not working in search of what will. We are determined and we are demanding that the concerns of the citizens of Cleveland be addressed, and the issues we face be met with appropriate responses.

“Truth forever on the scaffold, wrong forever on the throne, yet that scaffold sways the future, and behind the dim unknown, standeth God within the shadow, keeping watch over his own.”

James Russell Lowell

We are not alone in this fight...we will win.

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