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Now the time has come for this nation to fulfill its promise…

“And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.”John 8:32

The corrupt system of white supremacy hate and control is the enemy of America…not our spiritually touched President, Donald J. Trump.

Remember Heather Heyer???

Remember Heather Heyer - A 32- year old, white American woman who was murdered in Charlottesville, VA on August 12, 2017, while peacefully protesting against White Supremacy HATE and violence ideology. Heather Heyer’s death evoked a firestorm of universal moral denunciation and condemnation of the White Supremacy Hate and violence groups: White Supremacists, KKK, White Nationalists, White neo-Nazis and alt-Right who motivated, instigated and inspired her murder in their initiation, creation and hosting of such a hate filled White Supremacy Hate rally of white superiority and the inferiority of white women, the poor white and the entire African American race and people of color of which the codes of white supremacy ideology dictated. Universal cries of outrage, moral denouncements and condemnation swept the nation and the world at large.

Now women of America, this is the time for you to demand and receive your equal rights amendment by law…not by force or fraud , by law.

In this climate of atonement and redemption…for all the horrible, wrenched injustices you have endured; with the avalanche of sexual indiscretions creating a tidal wave in the oceans of guilt and causing a hurricane in the atmosphere of the confessions of guilt and apologies.

Now is the time to ask for and demand and receive your God-given equal rights.


What man or woman in the Congress – House and the Senate could afford not to vote YEA for women’s equality in this atmosphere of atonement for the injustices endured by women in this climate of redemption?

Any elected representatives who fails to vote for women equal rights MUST BE RECALLED in this atmosphere of atonement for the injustices endured by women in this climate of redemption.

Get your pencils and computer together, ready to give a note of thanks for their vote for women equality and anyone who votes no, ready to garner and collect the necessary signatures for their RECALL.

“The power under the Constitution will always be in the people. It is entrusted for certain defined purposes, and for a certain limited period, to representatives of their own choosing; and whenever it is executed contrary to their interest, or not agreeable to their wishes, their servants can, and undoubtedly will, be recalled.” George Washington





REPRINT C & P May 24, 2017

Now the time has come for this nation to fulfill its promise…

“Every Kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand.” Matthew 12:25

“Either make the tree good, and his fruit good; or else make the tree corrupt, and his fruit corrupt; for the tree is known by his fruit.” Matthew 12:33

My fellow Americans, we must come to grips with the reality of life here in America…At the same time, we must come to grips with the reality of life in the rest of the world. A world in which America plays a major role in its leadership, especially now in the nuclear age.

There is no winner in a nuclear exchange

Yet, the corrupt system that is at war with President Donald J. Trump continues to manipulate, agitations and incendiary propaganda to create a hostile nuclear power adversarial confrontation between President Trump and Supreme Leader Kim Jong-Un. Hoping to start a nuclear war, a nuclear war that could threaten our human existence here on planet earth. According to our late great President John F. Kennedy, “Today, should total war ever break out again -- no matter how -- our two countries will be the primary target. It is an ironic but accurate fact that the two strongest powers are the two in the most danger of devastation. All we have built, all we have worked for, would be destroyed in the first 24 hours.”


Are ‘We the People,’ the American people to suffer such an abominable fate because President Trump threatened the evil, corrupt system’s power and control over the American people? A corrupt system that everybody, Democrats, Republicans and Independents agree is corrupt. Yet only one candidate, President Donald J. Trump had the courage and the bravery to call out that corrupt and promise and commit to the American people, “We will create a whole new system and we will take this system apart.” “I want to make America great again!” “America First!!!”

President Kennedy goes on to say, “I speak of peace because of the new face of war. Total war makes no sense in an age where great powers can maintain large and relatively invulnerable nuclear forces and refuse to surrender without resort to those forces. It makes no sense in an age where a single nuclear weapon contains almost ten times the explosive force delivered by all the allied air forces in the Second World War. It makes no sense in an age when the deadly poisons produced by a nuclear exchange would be carried by wind and water and soil and seed to the far corners of the globe and to generations yet unborn.” President Kennedy’s prophetic words could not have been more clear and distinct as to what ‘We the People,’ are confronted with today; a volatile, highly dangerous situation where common sense and sound judgment must apply.

The torch has been passed to President Donald J. Trump who ‘We the People,’ are bearing witness to and experiencing live and in living color the sordid actions of the evil, corrupt system’s evil efforts to disgrace, distrust and discredit President Trump by asserting accusations and vicious rumors of treason, traitor, incompetent and untrustworthy, making him unfit to be president…seeking his impeachment. ‘We the People,’ see these devious and un-American tactics being deployed against Trump right before our eyes by the one-sided bias media’s propaganda campaign and misapplication of the facts against President Trump.

Mr. and Mrs. America, and all the freedom loving Americans must unite and stand up for ourselves by standing up and supporting President Donald J. Trump. It is a fact that he will be president for four years and with the no-holds barred, no exception, no exemption in the investigations of collusion, Russian interference, treason, traitor and any other violations of the principle’s of American Law going on…we can at least support America, ourselves and President Trump - TOGETHER working for a better America until the results of the investigations are in. Then, such results will speak for themselves.

President Donald J. Trump has been touched by the Spirit and he works tenaciously and continually by exposing the evil, corrupt, rigged, sexist and racist system of control on behalf of the American people. “We will no longer accept politicians who are all talk and no action, constantly complaining, but never doing anything about it. The time for empty talk is over. Now arrives the hour of action.” President Donald J. Trump

Now the time has come for this nation to fulfill its promise

“I regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.” Nathan Hale

All the vicious accusations and allegations and vile rumors accusing Trump of treason, a traitor, should be assassinated, unfit to be president, illegitimate president and impeachment that are permeating the American people’s minds in the great nation of America, should come as no great surprise to the American people. President Trump has taken on the very powerful, evil and corrupt system of control which have governed and controlled the American government…the establishment, from the very beginning of Donald Trump’s announcement and spiritually touched campaign to run for president, I had prognosticated and predicated upon him calling out the evil, corrupt system with his God-sent message to the American people, that the system was corrupt, rigged and crooked and that it must be eliminated in order to make America great again on the behalf of the American people. That threat to the extremely powerful corrupt system of control meant war against Donald J. Trump and the will of the people, from then to now and on into the future.

Now, under Trump’s slogan I want to make America great again, We the People’s, rejection movement to the corrupt system’s establishment form of government began to organize and take form and inspire new life into the movement under Trump’s touched leadership, restoring the spirit of America into their movement, seeking change and restoration of our, ‘We the People’s,’ God-given rights, back into the hands of ‘We the People.’ ‘We the People,’ must remember and keep in mind what President Trump said, “This is our moment,” and that he was taking back the power from Washington D. C. and returning it into the hands of ‘We the People.’ That’s easier said than done. However, Trump’s revolutionary movement is moving on in spite of the deadly threats and vicious accusations, allegations and poisonous rumors being hurled against him. The Revolutionary Trump Movement is the personification of the truth, which means that in the search to ferret out the facts, and the truth. There is a no holds barred mindset approach in the pursuit of the truth. Let the facts speak out loud and clearly and lead the way. Let the chips, of that truth, fall where they will with a no exception attitude as to who may be put in harm’s way, with no exception, for the truth must and will prevail. Again, like him or hate him, Donald J. Trump has brought about a cleaning process that goes to the heart of our democracy. The Truth, there can be no compromise, no good old boys club pat on the back decisions for the good of the corrupt system rather than for the good of our country which goes to the heart of our democracy which is the unadulterated truth, fulfilling the integrity, the essence of the vow to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God. The vow taken by our elected servants, in the support of our democracy, to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. So help me God.

The president has left the country, a divided country without the support of the biased media and the politicians. Trumpeted by media’s propaganda of divisiveness, lies, distrust, distortions of the truth, disloyalty and discrimination; lies, rumors and accusations, but only with the support of the law as president of America, with a cloud of doubt, distrust and negative atmosphere of speculations. But, with a stellar reputation of unpredictability and an honest, can’t be bought attitude of respect compelled other world nations leaders to respect his leadership and trust his judgment, not to declare a nuclear war in spite of the distrust, discredit and doubt held for him at home in America by the evil corrupt system’s politicians and the biased media.

Question: Collusion??? It is much more dangerous to our democracy if it is done from within by our elected representatives if there is collusion among them to prevent our democracy’s growth and development; The misuse of influence, bribery, traitor, treason and betrayal from developing by ill purposes contrary to our democracy’s transparency, growth and development of its fundamental organic principals of LIBERTY, FREEDOM, JUSTICE, EQUALITY and PEACE than it is with outside interference. Both inside and outside should be exposed and held accountable by the Constitution founding principals. Inside is the most dangerous and detrimental to the American people and to the principles of Liberty, Justice, Equality, Freedom and Peace.

Now the time has come for this nation to fulfill its promise

President trump brings forth the personification, “Know ye the truth and the truth will set you free.” President Trump’s personality brings about the personification of truth.

We have an American president, Donald J. Trump, who can neither be bought…controlled, intimidated or coerced. He is all out challenging a very powerful evil corrupt system. So his every utterance, his every action, his every deed, his every signing of any Bill or Executive Order will be received with contempt and acutely vetted, debated and discussed; interpreted and deeply analyzed. Therein, exalting and exemplifying our First Amendment – Freedom of Speech; our Second Amendment – the right to bear arms; our government’s checks and balances system, and our separation of powers – Branches of Government: Executive, Judicial and Congressional. The evil corrupt system is diligently putting them all to work to the benefit of ‘We the People,’ bringing forth the truth and practices of those who are running our government. Letting the chips and the facts fall where they may with no escape clause of accountability and responsibility of our elected servants of our government, until the results of the investigation are in with no exceptions or exemptions, the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God.


REPRINT Breaking News May 24, 2017

Now is the time for this nation to fulfill its promise

“Know ye the truth and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32

President Donald J. Trump personifies William Cullen Bryant’s quote: “The truth, crushed to the earth will rise again.” ‘We the People,’ the American people are truly blessed to have a president like Donald J. Trump, a lightening rod president…

WHO invites investigations that stimulates debate and stirs up controversy over every allegation and accusation leveled upon him;

WHO makes America work with legal search and seizure of the facts, with a no holds barred…no exceptions or exemptions of anyone or anybody as to where those facts may lead or fall in their search of what our democracy is and what our democracy means.

We have an American president, Donald J. Trump, who can neither be bought…controlled, intimidated or coerced. He is all out challenging a very powerful evil corrupt system. So his every utterance, his every action, his every deed, his every signing of any Bill or Executive Order will be received with contempt and acutely vetted, debated and discussed; interpreted and deeply analyzed. Therein, exalting and exemplifying our First Amendment – Freedom of Speech; our Second Amendment – the right to bear arms; our government’s checks and balances system, and our separation of powers – Branches of Government: Executive, Judicial and Congressional. The evil corrupt system is diligently putting them all to work in order to discredit and disgrace President Trump in its sordid effort to impeach him.

As reprehensible and painful as this exercise may be, it works to the benefit of ‘We the People,’ the American people, by bringing forth the truth of, and the practices of, those elected public servants who are running our government by letting the chips and the facts fall wherever they may with no escape clause of their accountability and responsibility of their elected duty, with no exceptions or exemptions to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God.

The all powerful, evil, corrupt, rigged, sexist and racist system of control is trying to initiate a hostile atmosphere of confrontation with an adversarial nuclear power by pitting America against North Korea, trying to manipulate with lies, deceitful language, and false intents to create an aura of suspicion of each other’s actions. Hoping that President Trump or the Supreme Leader Kim Jong-Un, will do something foolish or offensive to the other that would result in a nuclear encounter under the guise that it was done to secure world peace and stability…or on the other hand, to protect pride and independence by not succumbing to a humiliating retreat…

Either way there is no winner in a nuclear exchange! Keep in mind the evil, formidable, all powerful system’s power and control is being severely threatened by President Donald J. Trump on behalf of ‘We the People,’ the American people and that it will go to any lengths not to lose its control and power. No matter what the cost!

‘We the People,’ the American people can thank President Donald J. Trump for his love and loyalty for us, the American people with his untiring and relentless efforts in trying to restore the God-sent spirit of America and placing it back into the hands of ‘We the People,’ governed by the consent of the governed. A return to glory…for the great nation of America!

While he is being crucified by the media here at home, the president remains dedicated and ever vigilant in his travels abroad and speaks of warnings directed at other nations that now exist in terror and in fear of terror groups. President Trump warns our allies by declaring America First!!! That they must pay their fair share of the costs of seeking and keeping their peace and security. He warns them that the free ride on America’s back will no longer exist. He told them that they were not exempt from their own judgment and just as we have the people’s representatives here at home in their investigations of him would be held accountable for their actions in the investigations of them and that all our allies and all the other nations will be held accountable for their actions.

“We will seek friendship and goodwill with the nations of the world, but we do so with the understanding that it is the right of all nations to put their own interests first. We do not seek to impose our way of life on anyone, but rather to let it shine as an example. We will shine for everyone to follow.” President Donald J. Trump Inaugural Speech


REPRINT C & P November 1, 2017

Now the time has come for this nation to fulfill its promise…

Forgiveness, Redemption, Conversion, Faith…

President Donald Trump loves his country…America…and he loves the American people; he is loyal to his country and its people.

“There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” John 15:13

Loyalty is more than words; true loyalty will result in actions. Action is what President Trump is giving to ‘We the People,’…he lives, loves and breathes loyalty.

Now the time has come for this nation to fulfill its promise…

“And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.”John 8:32

“Now the Lord is the spirit, and where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” 2 Corinthians 3:17

Remember Heather Heyer? The young 32-year old white woman, the American patriot who was murdered August 12, 2017 at Charlottesville, VA at a white supremacy HATE and violence rally. She was peacefully protesting against white supremacy HATE, racism and divisiveness. The rally was organized by white supremacy hate racism when a white supremacist disciple ran her down and killed her. The white supremacist hate rally caused injuries to 19 other peaceful protesters.

This my fellow Americans, the tragic and horrific death of Heather Heyer and the traumatic injuries to 19 other Americans who love America and were excising their God-given right to stand up for America’s founding principles in their protest against white supremacy HATE and violence. A crooked, evil, corrupt, rigged, sexist and racist system of white supremacy HATE and control which ‘We the People,’ are being governed by; sadly to say, the evil system’s perpetrators and teachers of the white supremacy HATE, violence and control ideology, the white supremacist who organized and hosted the white supremacy HATE rally at Charlottesville, VA. The white supremacist groups: the white nationalists, the white supremacists, the white KKK, the white neo-Nazis, the white alt groups and the white RAM, which promoted the HATE and violence rally which caused the murder of Heather Heyer, a young 32-year old American white woman, an American patriot peacefully protesting against white supremacy HATE and racism doctrine and injured 19 other American people. Who caused Heather Heyer’s death? The white supremacist perpetrators will go unpunished as usual.

The curse of slavery is on the back of America…and the curse of slavery is on the back of Virginia which was, at one time, the slave capital of America…

The evil, corrupt, rigged, sexist and racist system is the enemy of America…not our spiritually touched leader, President Donald J. Trump. A God-sent spiritually touched leader who is exposing every evil facet and devious tactic of this corrupt system to the American people.

President Trump is calling for an absolute repudiation of the evil, corrupt system’s establishment form of political government. “We are going to create a whole new system and we will take this system apart.” “I want to make America great again.” “America First!!!”

Remember Heather Heyer? Her death evoked a universal outcry of outrage, denunciation and condemnation and calling out racism by name. Calling out racism by name is important as it gives ‘We the People,’ the opportunity to identify, arrest and convict the perpetrators of the HATE CRIME. If we lose sight of this, we stand the risk of losing our democracy and the power of our Constitution, the Preamble, the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights; whose essence lies in our founding principles: Liberty, Justice, Equality, Freedom and Peace. The right to protest against any abuses of our liberty and the freedom of speech, to speak out against the violations and contradictions of those sacred founding principles of our liberty and the right of freedom of speech to speak out regarding our founding principles, to identify the violations, contradictions and abuses by name, which is vitally important, because if we don’t identify and be perfectly clear on what we are protesting and fighting against, then the evil corrupt system can and will derail and redirect the momentum and the power of the protest movement into a state of confusion and chaos, losing the built-up momentum of the cause sought which leads us into the belief of our losing hope. Freedom of speech, in any movement, is vitally important to explain and identify the reasons for which you are protesting and with regards to civil rights, it is the essence of liberty and the voice of freedom against injustice and inequality…and in the nuclear age…the voice of survival and existence.

President Trump is fighting against the evil corrupt system for ‘We the People.’ The American people are rejecting the corrupt system and they want change and replacement. To change something, first you have to acknowledge that something that needs to be changed, in this instance; it is the evil misguided way of life system of white supremacy HATE and control. The time for talk is over; the hour of action is at hand. What are we, my fellow Americans, going to do about it????

The question, my fellow Americans, now that we are bearing witness to the corruption of the crooked corrupt system which is taking place right before our eyes, one witness after another telling on one another, exposing the crooked system’s sinister plots and schemes to destroy our democracy is…What are…’We the People,’ going to do about it???

Correcting these wrongs, the violations and contradictions of our founding principles of Liberty, Justice, Equality, Freedom and Peace and removing the corruption form of government, which is destroying our democracy in the crooked system’s zeal to destroy President Trump in its investigations of his every utterance, action and deed, has opened up a Pandora’s box of investigations if the crooked system itself along with the investigations of the government and all of our elected representatives. Thanks to President Trump, we have a no holds barred investigatory process going on in America with no exemptions or exceptions and ‘let the chips fall where they may’ concept resulting in the facts and the truth.

Now is the time for ‘We the People,’ the American people to join in the battle for our liberties with President Trump. He has unequivocally illustrated to ‘We the People,’ that habits of years are as strong as life itself. ‘We the People,’ can bear witness to that fact by what is actually transpiring (happening) in our beloved great country of America today.

Whether-or-not Donald Trump is found guilty or innocent of any or all of the facetious evil allegations and accusations the evil corrupt system has leveled upon him, the people of America owe him a great deal of thanks for what he is doing for ‘We the People,’ by opening up our eyes to the traitorous despotism of the establishment, this corrupt system and it’s scared duty and obligation to God and country to correct and replace this evil form of government. ‘We the People,’ one of our first obligations is not to let the evil, crooked, corrupt system frame our spiritually touched leader, President Donald J. Trump.


REPRINT DRAFT News November 1, 2017

Now the time has come for this nation to fulfill its promise…

Forgiveness, Redemption, Conversion, Faith…

President Donald Trump loves his country…America…and he loves the American people; he is loyal to his country and its people.

“There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” John 15:13

Loyalty is more than words; true loyalty will result in actions. Action is what President Trump is giving to ‘We the People,’…he lives, loves and breathes loyalty.

Now the time has come for this nation to fulfill its promise…

“And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32

We must unite and come together as one America

‘We the People,’ must be ever vigilant, stay loyal and committed to our country America…and what it stands for: One land under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all the American people.

President Trump, the will of ‘We the People’s,’ choice to lead the ‘We the People’s,’ Movement of rejection of the corrupt system, has become the voice of the will of ‘We the People.’ The voice which gives power to the powerless; the voice which gives the Spirit of hope to the hopeless; the voice which brings about the recognition for justice to the forgotten people…the Left-Outs, the white woman, the poor white people and the African American / people of color, the voice of hope to the underprivileged, the downtrodden and the denied masses and with that eternal spirit of hope….we shall overcome!!!

Remember Heather Heyer? A young 32-year old white American woman murdered by a white supremacist while peacefully protesting against white supremacy hate and racism on August 12, 2017 at Charlottesville, VA at a white supremacy hate rally. Her death evoked universal outrage, denunciation and condemnation. That universal outrage, denunciation and condemnation must be transformed into legal legislation. We must establish an anti-white supremacy hate and violence law…not by force or fraud, but by law.

Why are we the greatest democratic democracy on earth allowing a communist Russia to dictate our destiny in democracy in order to get rid of President Trump by the evil, corrupt, rigged system, reduce our pride and world status and esteem by not standing up for the principles of liberty of which our nation was founded upon?…and empowering another nation (Russia) whose political views and beliefs, that of a communist state, directly contradict and violate our founding principles of liberty? Where democracy rules!!! ‘We the People,’ governed by the consent of the governed, making us the leader of the free world, yet we defer to Russian intelligence as the barometer of enlightenment and the truth of our lost emails and providing proof of the truth of dirt on our politicians and to dictate the destiny of America.

Can we truthfully say and honestly admit that the Russian intelligence is that far superior to our own intelligence, so much so, that we can claim that their intelligence can control the collusion and interference in our elective process and by their superior knowledge make us with the most sophisticated form of democracy in constitutional government on earth, but in reality only a Russian territory?

Are ‘We the People,’ to believe that Russian intelligence can find our hidden and lost emails and discover dirt on our candidates for presidency and our intelligence can’t find the same hidden or lost emails and discover the same dirt or even more dirt than the Russians can??? Especially so, when our government is the center of the loss or hidden emails and author of any hidden dirt or scandal on our politicians.

Thank God for President Trump, America. He has truly reawakened the spirit of Americanism. Now the time has come for ‘We the People,’ to act boldly and courageously to America and the world in defending our sacred founding principles of liberty.

There is no winner in a nuclear exchange…

There is no winner in a nuclear war!!!!

“Above all, while defending our own vital interests, nuclear powers must avert those confrontations which bring an adversary to a choice of either a humiliating retreat or a nuclear war. To adopt that kind of course in the nuclear age would be evidence only of the bankruptcy of our policy-or of a collective death-wish for the world.” President John F. Kennedy

Only in America

Don King

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