First Lady Smith succumbs

“And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” Phil. 4:7
Our Dear Sister and First Lady of the Sanctuary Baptist Church; Sandra Smith went home to be with the Lord on Friday, December 22, 2017.
A loving wife, faithful member of Sanctuary and a faithful servant of God has been excused from this life’s labors and ushered into the loving arms of God. Her faithfulness and her untiring will to go even when going was not easy, has left a mark, an example and a lesson to others that our call to duty is not always paved with comforts, conveniences and good health. God gave her the strength to be a living example of a steadfast faith, even in times of sickness and suffering. We therefore salute her life and the legacy that remains, indelibly touching all who knew her.
We are certain that God remembers our sorrows as well as our suffering. We are certain that he remembers our going out and our coming in. We are moreover certain that he rewards the faithful and those who endure to the end. Such was the life and the legacy of First Lady Sandra Smith. To God be the glory! On a personal note; I have known First Lady Smith for many years. In fact, Pastor Mark Smith and I have been friends down through the years. Pastor, I yield in prayer for your strength during this most challenging time.
Homegoing Services for Sis. Sandra Smith will be held at the Sanctuary Baptist Church 4004 East 131st Street in Cleveland on Friday Morning. Wake period at 10:00am and the Celebration Service at 11:00am