Bethany Baptist joins Imani Temple Ministries for Palm Sunday

Bethany Baptist Senior Pastor, the Rev. Dr. Stephen Rowan and Imani Temple Ministries Pastor/Establishmentarian Rev. Dr. Rodney S. Thomas at Imani Temple for Palm Sunday. (Robert Nicholson/Photo)
Imani Temple Ministries (ITM) hosted Bethany Baptist Church for a special afternoon service on March 25 to commemorate Palm Sunday.
ITM Pastor/Establishmentarian Rev. Dr. Rodney S. Thomas welcomed Bethany Baptist Senior Pastor, the Rev. Dr. Stephen Rowan and the Bethany Baptist Choir in a riveting one hour service.
Each of the two respective choirs performed multiple songs and then collaborated for a benediction, led by ITM Minister of Music Tina Farmer.
Prior to the sermon, ITM host Bethany Baptist church members in Hank Hall for a feast that consisted of roast beef and hosted by ITM’s Culinary Department, spearheaded by ITM Secretary Annette May.
Pastor Thomas present both Pastor Rowan and Bethany Baptist Church First Lady with gifts from Imani Temple Ministries.
More than 200 hundred attended the service.
On Easter Sunday, both ITM, located at 2463 N. Taylor Road in Cleveland Heights, and Bethany Baptist, located 1211 E. 105 St. in Cleveland will be individually host services at their respective locations. Imani temple Ministries service will begin at its regularly scheduled time of 10a.m.