Help Save America-Help Save the World

Now the time has come for this nation to fulfill its promise.
Forgiveness, Redemption, Conversion, Faith…
President Donald Trump loves his country…America…and he loves the American people; he is loyal to his country and its people.
“There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” John 15:13
Loyalty is more than words; true loyalty will result in actions. Action is what President Trump is giving to ‘We the People,’…he lives, loves and breathes loyalty.
Now the time has come for this nation to fulfill its promise.
“And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32
Now the time has come for this nation to fulfill its promise.
My fellow Americans, thanks to President Donald J. Trump, we are experiencing the corrupt, rigged system’s policies and practices. In the powerful, corrupt, rigged systems’ zeal to stop and destroy President Trump, it has unleashed a powerful all out, hate and investigation campaign against President Trump.
Stop and destroy President Trump…stop and destroy the will of we the people, stop and destroy Trump’s beloved family, stop and destroy his loyal friends. With no compunction or remorse.
A Take No Prisoners, No Holds Barred Assault, with no mercy or compassion for its victims. What we, my fellow Americans are witnessing and experiencing today, comes as no surprise, as it is supported and substantiated in the reprinting of the Call & Post articles published on December 6, 2017 and December 13, 2017, which opens we the people’s, eyes, and enlightens us to the powerful, corrupt, rigged system’s capacity and ability to make wrong right and right wrong, in its magical manipulation of shaping the public opinion which we the people, are experiencing today.
Our nation is suffering from deep divisions in our society and deeply ingrained psychic polarization.
We are suffering a gender crisis which Elizabeth Cady Stanton—spoke to in the 1850s.
We are suffering a color crisis which Fredrick Douglas spoke to in the 1860s.
We are suffering a moral crisis which John F. Kennedy spoke to on June 11, 1963.
We are suffering a nuclear age threat which John F. Kennedy spoke to on June 10, 1963.
We are suffering a color and moral crisis which Lyndon B. Johnson spoke to in the 1960s.
We are suffering a moral, color and political crisis which Dr. Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. spoke to in 1968 Two America’s speech.
We have a consensus of opinion among all of the American people that the system is corrupt, rigged, sexist, racist and full of hate. And the total rejection by we the people, of the corrupt, rigged system’s establishment form of government.
We had a Russian crisis in the 1960s, the cold war and we still have a Russian crisis today.
John F. Kennedy spoke to the Russian crisis in the Cuba crisis of 1962 and again in 1963, challenging the Russian leader in their belief of their Russian propagandist.
Challenging us, we the people, to reexamine our own attitude
Now, collectively, all above, our spiritually touched leader, President Donald J. Trump, speaks to we the people, the American people.
“We are going to create a whole new system, and we are going to take this system apart.” “I want to make America great again.” America First!
Peace is the Answer. Conversation not devastation!!!
“And above all, while defending our own vital interests, nuclear powers must avert those confrontations which bring an adversary to a choice of either a humiliating retreat or a nuclear war. To adopt that kind of course in the nuclear age would be evidence only of the bankruptcy of our policy -- or of a collective death-wish for the world.” President John F. Kennedy, Nuclear Peace Strategy, June 10, 1963
May the blessings of St. Francis be upon our president:
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
Where there is sadness, joy.
Almighty God, we Americans humbly pray to you to bless us with a peaceful transition of government and that nobody gets hurt in the process. Heavenly Father, please bless us with the guidance, the direction and the ways and means in which we, as Americans, can unite and become ONE AMERICA…touching the heart of President Donald J. Trump and enabling him to fulfill his promise and commitment to be President to ALL THE PEOPLE, while Making America Great Again. I ask and pray in the name of Jesus Christ, My Lord and Savior….Amen! Don King
God Bless America
God Bless the American People
God Bless President Donald J. Trump
Now the time has come for this nation to fulfill its promise…
Forgiveness, Redemption, Conversion, Faith…
President Donald Trump loves his country…America…and he loves the American people; he is loyal to his country and its people.
“There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” John 15:13
Loyalty is more than words; true loyalty will result in actions. Action is what President Trump is giving to ‘We the People,’…he lives, loves and breathes loyalty.
Now the time has come for this nation to fulfill its promise…
“And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. “John 8:32
The real enemy of America is the corrupt, rigged, sexist and racist system of white supremacy hate and control…not our spiritually touched leader, President Donald J. Trump. The evil corrupt system’s mandate is to stop and destroy President Trump and kill the will of ‘We the People’s,’ rejection movement; by whatever means necessary…no matter what the cost, in money, in property, in family or in friends.
That corrupt system’s mandate, as ‘We the People’s,’ are witnessing, my fellow Americans, is in full force and affect.
Never trust your enemy…the corrupt system is your enemy!
My fellow citizens, every utterance, every action and every deed taken by President Trump is met with contempt, sarcasm, distrust, deceit and doubt. No matter what he says or does…no matter how he says or does it, he is painted negatively by an anti-Trump bias, double standard media with their purple propaganda of degradation whose purpose is to stop and destroy Trump under the guise of democracy, the First Amendment.
My fellow Americans, the remarkably ingenious and extremely powerful corrupt system is the enemy of the American people, this incredible system has the capability of making right wrong and wrong right. To make sweet bitter and to make bitter sweet and to make a lie believable as the truth and to make the truth unbelievable as a lie, is the enemy. However, this remarkable system was created for the wrong purpose…it absolutely contradicts liberty and freedom!!!
Therefore, my fellow Americans, you cannot afford to trust your enemy, the corrupt rigged system. The corrupt rigged system is a remarkable piece of work, an excellent system with the intellectual knowledge of human behavior with the sophisticated intellectual insight into how to control such human behavior. An extraordinary system’s program, ingeniously put together with the awesome power to quantify, qualify and identify the many varieties (aspects) of such human behavior with and omniscient capability to anticipate and predict future aspects of human behavior. This excellent system has the power to make the victim the criminal; a corrupt system that accepts no blame for any of its corrupt, crooked, sinister or evil practices.
There is no winner in a nuclear exchange…there is no winner in a nuclear war!!!
The possession of these phenomenal powers by our corrupt system, in the nuclear age, threatens (human existence) human life on planet earth. A crooked, corrupt, rigged system that has the mind blowing capability of self-inventing itself, with the power to maneuver, manipulate and shape public sentiment (public opinion) to suit its purpose is indescribably dangerous.
Therefore, my fellow Americans, you must never, NEVER, NEVER…underestimate the power of our corrupt, rigged system which has the ability and power to make the victim, the victimizer (the criminal) of himself (the oppressor-the enslaver of himself).
We the people, in our recognition and acknowledgement of our corrupt system (our problem) and our rejection of the corrupt system’s establishment form of government unequivocally dictates that ‘We the People,’ want change, to fix and remove the problem…the corrupt, rigged system. However, my fellow Americans, to change and replace this crooked, corrupt, rigged system is easier said than done. We cannot afford the luxury of divisiveness to achieve our goal. We must unite and come together in unity, solidarity and togetherness, in one voice with single-minded purpose, to accomplish our mission. “We are going to create a whole new system and we will take this system apart.” “I want to make America great again.” “America First!!!” Then, as our fearless leader, President Donald J. Trump, who can’t be bought, intimidated or coerced has said: “When America comes together, we are unstoppable.”
President Trump, our fearless, brave, courageous, bold and spiritually touched leader, has declared war against the corrupt system on behalf of ‘We the People,’ and ‘We the People,’ must join him in this battle for our liberty. President Trump has taken on this incredibly powerful corrupt system on behalf of ‘We the People,’ and is fighting for the restoration of ‘We the People’s,’ liberty and founding principles and ‘We the People,’ must unwaveringly join him in this righteous fight for our rights.
‘We the People,’ are currently, on a daily basis, experiencing the vicious anti-Trump treatment, the devious and sinister plots against Trump to discredit and character assassinate him and destroy his reputation. We, on a daily basis are listening to the anti-Trump breaking news stories by the anti-Trump chatterboxes whose conversations are trying to put together building blocks of issues for his impeachment. We are daily watching video clip excerpts produced in a manner to substantiate their vicious hypothesis of wrong doings by Trump and to support their theories of Russian collusion and their false indictment of Russian interference with the election results which makes President Trump an illegitimate president.
‘We the People,’ are witnessing how the magical speculation process to destroy President Trump, maliciously becomes fact, without a shred of evidence to support the fact. Here is how: today, you speculate about a fictitious sinister scheme that evolves President Trump’s un-American participation, then an anti-Trump panel discusses and analyses all the theories of his participation in the diabolical scheme (plot). Thus, after all day discussion, on all the evil possibilities of President Trump being involved in the fabricated and devious plot yesterday, it magically becomes fact today…no more speculation? It becomes Breaking News: That President Trump was involved in a diabolical scheme to over throw the government…he must be impeached…he is destroying our democracy.
So, my fellow Americans, there you have it, the miracle of fake news. However, we must not stand idly by and continue to watch this charade and allow this fallacy to become truth. We must join President Trump in the good fight for our rights, our liberty and our freedom and let the world know that we are standing up with President Trump and fighting together for our country and what it stands for; liberty, justice, equality, freedom and peace. America First!!!
Now the time has come for this nation to fulfill its promise…
“And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. ”John 8:32
There is no winner in a nuclear exchange…there is no winner in a nuclear war!!!
However, in this nuclear age, my fellow citizens and freedom loving Americans, we must appreciate the fact that while ‘We the People,’ are bearing witness to the superior power of this corrupt rigged system, its exposure, for public review, introduced for public debate and public discussion, was brought to light by our spiritually touched leader, President Donald J. Trump, who has the indomitable courage and the invincible spirit (guts) to take on this powerfully corrupt, rigged and highly dangerous system of white supremacy hate and control and to fearlessly expose every rotten detail of its crooked corrupt practices and its influential strangle hold and control over the party and our elected servants (the politicians) our representatives. That is the reason why the corrupt rigged system hates Trump so unconditionally and wants to stop and destroy President Trump and the will of ‘We the People’s,’ rejection movement by whatever means necessary, no matter what it cost in money, in property or in human lives. That is the mandate by the powerful corrupt, rigged system’s overwhelming hate against President Trump and an intense hate for President Trump. With all of this hate by the powerful, corrupt, rigged system’s hate for and against our spiritually touched leader, President Donald J. Trump and his beloved family, ‘We the People,’ and President Trump must be ever alert and ever vigilant in our righteous battle for our liberty and our God-given inalienable rights. President Trump and ‘We the People,’ while bearing witness to the super power of this corrupt rigged system’s tyranny and despotism form of its establishment form of government.
‘We the People,’ and our spiritually touched leader, President Trump must reexamine ourselves, while keeping in mind the metaphor ‘never trust the enemy,’ the corrupt rigged system, then, revaluate our position, taking into consideration all the circumstances and events which took place to put us in our present position; President Trump’s confidants, their loyalty, their disloyalty and their misguided loyalty. Their ________mostly stupid mistakes and sadly, betrayal. Which led to President Trump being maneuvered and manipulated through public sentiment and purple propaganda into a positively NO…NO…adverse situation – a war of words, insults and threats – with an adversary nuclear power leader.
What we are experiencing now, today, is a living example of this remarkable ingenious corrupt system’s awesome power. The corrupt system, through its bias, anti-Trump media has ingeniously maneuvered and manipulated our spiritually touched leader, President Trump into a war of words, insults, threats and name calling with our adversary, nuclear age world leader, Kim Jong Un. This is something I wrote about in the Call & Post for us, ‘We the People,’ to try and avert almost two years ago.
“And above all, while defending our own vital interests, nuclear powers must avert those confrontations which bring an adversary to a choice of either a humiliating retreat or a nuclear war. To adopt that kind of course in the nuclear age would be evidence only of the bankruptcy of our policy -- or of a collective death-wish for the world.” President John F. Kennedy
Alas, the super power of this corrupt system is demon stating its shrewd, persuasive, cunning power of deception in its manipulation of human behavior.
President Trump, fearless, brave, courageous and bold, who cannot be bought, who cannot be bribed, who cannot be controlled, who cannot be intimidated or coerced…yet, he has become a victim of the powerful corrupt rigged system. In spite of the fact that his visionary genius created a magnanimous program of getting to know you…up close and personal, with other world leaders, by inviting them to dinner at the White House or Mar-A-Lago, which he has implemented with resounding success; a respect program which diametrically contradicts and totally rejects a war of words type situation – (confrontation concept) and replaces it with President Trump’s concept of tolerance, respect and peaceful co-existence. Yet, ‘We the People,’ must move forward in our unity, solidarity and togetherness in our unwavering support and loyalty for President Trump and his program of respect while extricating ourselves from this untenable and undesirable war of words situation.
‘We the People,’ with all of the hate for and against our spiritually touched leader, President Trump and his beloved family and true friends, must never forget and always keep in mind that the evil, corrupt system’s monumental hatred for President Trump is because he put himself, his beloved family and his true friends, in harm’s way by exposing the corrupt system’s crooked, corrupt and rigged practices and fighting against the crooked corrupt system for the restoration of our liberty and founding principles back into the hands of ‘We the People,’ by taking the power from Washington D.C. and putting it back into the hands of ‘We the People,’ to govern by the consent of the governed.
So, let’s come together, ‘We the People,’ the American people, and unite with solidarity and togetherness and give out heartfelt thanks to our Almighty God, our Creator, who created the heavens and the earth and in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, we pray and ask you Heavenly Father to bless our spiritually touched leader, President Donald J. Trump, with safety and a long life and continued leadership under your divine protection. Thank you heavenly Father…Amen
Now the time has come for this nation to fulfill its promise…
“We are going to create a whole new system and we will take this system apart.” “I want to make America great again.” “America First!!!” President Donald Trump
May the blessings of St. Francis be upon our president:
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
Where there is sadness, joy.
Almighty God, we Americans humbly pray to you to bless us with a peaceful transition of government and that nobody gets hurt in the process. Heavenly Father, please bless us with the guidance, the direction and the ways and means in which we, as Americans, can unite and become ONE AMERICA…touching the heart of President Donald J. Trump and enabling him to fulfill his promise and commitment to be President to ALL THE PEOPLE, while Making America Great Again. I ask and pray in the name of Jesus Christ, My Lord and Savior….Amen! Don King
God Bless America
God Bless the American People
God Bless President Donald J. Trump
God Bless our Military, men and women the Vanguard of our Nation
God Bless our Veterans
God Bless the Fallen but not Forgotten Heroes
1 Corinthians 16:13 “Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong.”
Only in America
Don King
Now the time has come for this nation to fulfill its promise…
“And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32
The corrupt system of white supremacy hate and control is the enemy of America…not our spiritually touched President, Donald J. Trump.
President Trump is a winner and genius.
He has fearlessly challenged the corrupt, rigged system on behalf of ‘We the people, fighting to take back the power from Washington D.C. and restore that power back into the hands of ‘We the people, where it rightfully belongs.
However, my fellow Americans, the restoration of that power is meaningless, unless ‘We the people, are educated in the practices of a winner, in how to utilize it (the power) in fighting back against the very powerful corrupt rigged system in a sophisticated strategy in which utilizing (using) the ultimate power of the United States Constitution to debilitate the corrupt, rigged systems power and discredit, demean and expose the corrupt, rigged systems foul deeds and sinister schemes.
Now is the time for ‘We the people, the American people to join into the battle for the restoration of our liberties and founding principle’s with President Trump. He has unequivocally illustrated and continually illustrates to us ‘We the people, that habits of years are as strong as life itself. President Trump is teaching by examples, that the conditioning of this corrupt, rigged system to our mindset, beliefs, attitudes, behavior, actions, customs and tradition; no matter how wrong they may be, are supported by unjust laws and unjust institutions as right, then become the living reality of today.
My Fellow Americans, America is the greatest nation on earth. I love America and I love the American people, every race, color, creed and religion (inclusive of the non-believer and the haters) America has many inequities, color problems, gender problems-hate problems, injustice, bigotry, prejudice and discrimination problems.
Yet, in spite of the above, still the greatest nation on earth. Why?
Because of the eternal law of almighty God. Blessed with God given inalienable rights, blessed with a sacred constitution supporting those rights and cosmic principle’s of Liberty, Justice, Equality, Freedom and Peace, upon which this great nation of America was founded. A new nation conceived in Liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal, one land indivisible with Liberty and Justice for all.
The corrupt, rigged system is the enemy of America. And does not have the genius of our spiritually touched leader, President Trump, who never ceases to amaze me.
“We are going to create a whole new system and we are going to take this system apart.” I want to make America great again.” America First!!!
Those prophetic words give living testimony to the truth of Donald Trump’s legendary genius.
Heroes live…and heroes die, but legends live forever.
Visionary Genius on Display
My fellow Americans, everywhere I go I am being confronted with the question, why do I support Donald J. Trump? The why do I support, now President Donald J. Trump?
To the First: I love Donald J. Trump because he is my friend…and as a friend he loved and supported me in friendship and business. And likewise I supported him with loyalty and respect.
His friendship was loyal and his respect was true. Not the kind that say one thing to you in front of your face, then another denigrating thing behind your back. Loyalty and respect personified our relationship and strengthened our friendship.
To the second why! I love President Donald J. Trump because, he loves America (our country first) and he loves the American people. So much so, that he put himself and his beloved family in harms way, by challenging the corrupt, rigged systems’ establishment’s tryanny and despotism (oppressive, abusive, methods and practices) against the people (We the people,) on, ‘We the people’s, behalf.
He felt their (We the people’s) pain and decided to do something about the egregious, corrupt, rigged system of hate and control which caused the painful suffering of ‘We the people, and give them (We the people,) some relief.
Please keep in mind my fellow Americans that the corrupt, rigged, sexist and racist system of white supremacy hate and control was created for white (rich, elite, bosses) male dominance. However, if you were a white male and poor, according to J.C. Calhoun: “With us the two great divisions of society are not the rich and the poor, but the white and the black; and all the former, the poor as well as the rich, belong to the upper class, and are respected and treated as equals. If honest and industrious; and hence have a position and pride of character of which neither poverty nor misfortune can deprive them.”
J.C Calhoun, a long with Daniel Webster, Henry Clay and Andrew Jackson, dominated American political life from 1815-1850.
(A founding father of white supremacy and a founding father of the southern confederacy) Congressman, two-time Vice President of the United States, U.S. Senator from South Carolina, the first state to secede from the union to form the Southern Confederacy leading to the civil war between the states.
Back to the second: Why, I love and support President Trump. The corrupt rigged system’s ideology of white supremacy was created for white male, preferably rich, dominance of white supremacy.
You tell me, my fellow American citizens, who can more better fit the requirements than a good looking, handsome, attractive debonair, blond hair, blue eyes, rich white man with the “magic look” and genius mind like the legendary Donald J. Trump?
Yet, he opted to fight for the restoration of ‘We the people’s, liberty-and the founding principle’s of Liberty, Justice, Equality, Freedom and Peace of which this great country was conceived and founded upon.
He, President Trump opted to represent the poor, the downtrodden, the under privileged and denied, and to be President to all the American people…to include the Left outs; The white woman, the African Americans/people of color, the forgotten people, who won’t be forgotten anymore. To take the power back from Washington D.C. and return that power back into the hands of ‘We the people, to be governed by the consent of the governed. President Trump is working with truth and good faith, not with that facetious type of lip service of lies, promises and apologize, but by giving life service to God’s eternal law and standing up in the support of our U.S. constitution for all God’s children, the American people.
Remember, my fellow Americans from the very outset of Trump’s candidacy. He said; “We are going to create a whole new system and we are going to take this system apart.” I want to make America great again.” America First!!!
That was Trump’s pledge…his promise and commitment to the American people, and with ‘We the people’s help and support, we can together fulfill his promise.
Donald J. Trump, now President Donald J. Trump knows the system. And just as the Call & Post has reported before in several articles: That is why he has no obligations to lobbyist, Super PACS, special interest groups, pharmaceutical companies, insurance companies or Wall Street financial interest. His only obligation will be to the American people. President Trump can’t be bought or controlled by party politicians, party bosses, or by the corrupt, rigged system. He is fearless, brave, courageous and bold…can’t be intimidated or coerced. President Donald J. Trump is a man of the people by working with the people, working for the people…That’s why I love and support President Donald J. Trump because he loves and supports you, ‘We the people, and to me the people are the most important.
I am a promoter of the people, by the people and for the people…and my magic lies in my people ties. I am a Republicrat, neither a Democrat or Republican. I am a Republicrat and my party is the American people. I work for the best interest of the people to make America better.
The evil corrupt system is the enemy of America…not our spiritually touched leader President Donald J. Trump.
When constructing history, context is all-important. Specific events tells us less about reality than social, political and cultural environments that produced them.
The application of truism is especially apparent today in the construction of the corrupt, rigged, sexist, racist system of white supremacy hate and control’s mandate to stop and destroy President Trump…and stop and destroy the “WILL” of ‘We the people,’s rejection movement to the corrupt rigged system’s establishment form of government. Stop and destroy Trump by any means necessary, no matter what the costs, in money, in property, in human lives, ‘Stop Trump and Destroy the Trump Movement, by building issues of impeachment for resignation.
My fellow Americans, the corrupt, rigged system is working overzealously to stop and destroy President Trump. Why? Because he has challenged and called out the corrupt, rigged system’s strangle hold on our establishment and depicting to and illustrating to ‘We the people, the corrupt establishment’s strangle hold on us, ‘We the people, exposing and identifying by name: The corrupt system’s intent-impeachment-impeachment.
The corrupt, rigged system’s hate filled cry for President Trump; create doubt, distrust, dishonor, discredit, distortions of truth with deceitful manipulation of language, the lies, the false allegations and accusations against President Trump with the presumption of guilt for impeachment, until proven innocent.
We, my fellow Americans are bearing witness to the sinister schemed plots assailed against Trump. From the Jill Stein voter scam, to its appalling despicable that a nominee of one of our major political party’s won’t accept the election result of the will of the people, to Russian interference, to Russia selecting and electing our president, to Russia collusion, to Donald Trump Jr. collusion, son in law Jared Kushner collusion, over two years of whistle blowing investigations without a shred of evidence to substantiate any of their outlandish charges thus far!!! But hold on…we’re getting a little more closer, just be patient a little bit longer, meaning while he’s guilty as accused!!! Until proven otherwise (innocent) and the beat goes on one scandal after scandal. How long??? Now long…We will find something to get him with, the corrupt system says. But ‘We the people, must stand up for our democracy and the presumption of innocent until proven guilty. And stop this trickeration and foolhardy skullduggery under the guise of democracy and law and order
President Trump knows the corrupt system, he knows the awesome power of the corrupt system, while he opted to fight against this corrupt, rigged system of white supremacy hate and control on behalf of ‘We the people, in order to make America great again. He knows the political power of the corrupt, rigged system, especially so in the only honest legal by law state of white supremacy.
It has been noted that Alabama is one of the five most conservative states in America. However, it has not been noted that it is the only honest legal by law, white supremacy state, so there for he endorsed Roy Moore to beat Doug Jones in the senate race in Alabama, because whether Roy Moore wins or not, the mere fact that he’s still on the ballot illustrates and demonstrates the power of the corrupt system.
As I have said, I am for what is best for the people and that is why I have decided to select Doug Jones for the United States Senate, representing Alabama.
May the blessings of St. Francis be upon our president:
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
Where there is sadness, joy.
Almighty God, we Americans humbly pray to you to bless us with a peaceful transition of government and that nobody gets hurt in the process. Heavenly Father, please bless us with the guidance, the direction and the ways and means in which we, as Americans, can unite and become ONE AMERICA…touching the heart of President Donald J. Trump and enabling him to fulfill his promise and commitment to be President to ALL THE PEOPLE, while Making America Great Again. I ask and pray in the name of Jesus Christ, My Lord and Savior….Amen! Don King
God Bless America
God Bless the American People
God Bless President Donald J. Trump
God Bless our Military, men and women the Vanguard of our Nation
God Bless our Veterans
God Bless the Fallen but not Forgotten Heroes
1 Corinthians 16:13 “Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong.”
Only in America
Don King
REPRINT August 23, 2017
Now the time has come for this nation to fulfill its promise…
Forgiveness, Redemption, Conversion, Faith…
President Donald Trump loves his country…America…and he loves the American people; he is loyal to his country and its people.
“There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” John 15:13
Loyalty is more than words; true loyalty will result in actions. Action is what President Trump is giving to ‘We the People,’…he lives, loves and breathes loyalty.
Now the time has come for this nation to fulfill its promise…
The evil, corrupt, rigged, sexist and racist system of White Supremacy HATE, is the enemy of America.
White Supremacy HATE is the disease! Love and equality is the cure! President Trump is not a racist…He is a REALIST!!!
‘We are going to create a whole new system and we will take this system apart.” “I want to make America great again.” America First!’
“Know ye the truth and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32
Now the time has come for this nation to fulfill its promise…
My fellow Americans, we are currently bearing witness to this evil, corrupt, rigged and racist system of White Supremacy Hate. This evil, corrupt, rigged system’s formidable, striking power of deceitful manipulations of public opinion has been put into place for the impeachment of our spiritually touched leader, President Donald J. Trump.
The die has been set, the mode of operation has been put into place and the vicarious process for his impeachment has been launched…However, none of these hate filled, devious activities come as a surprise; from one of the nominees stating “its horrible that a nominee from one of our prime political parties wont accept the will of the people’s election result, it’s appalling, it’s despicable.” To the Jill Stein voter scam, the Russian appointment of our president, Russian interference with tampering of the election, to collusion, to Donald J. Trump Jr’s secret indictment plot in collusion with the Russians and the list goes on and on.
However, my fellow Americans, ‘We the People,’ cannot allow this transparent farce, this shameless hate, the corrupt system’s attempt of this ungodly impeachment, treasonous act to prevail…Just as I have spiritually written in the Call & Post articles repeatedly before, this evil, corrupt, rigged, sexist and racist system of White Supremacy Hate would go to any lengths to stop and destroy President Trump…Now, ‘We the People,’ are undeniably witnessing this remarkable and ingenious evil and corrupt system’s establishment form of government in its relentless process to stop and destroy the voice of the will of ‘We the People’s,’ chosen leader, President Donald J. Trump, under the guise of American democracy.
However, my fellow citizens, keep in mind that the Call & Post has continually and constantly reminded you of this ingenious remarkable system’s ingenuity and extraordinary capability of making wrong right and right wrong and in its multifaceted arsenal of evil tactics which it uses to ascertain its goal while serving its purpose.
What time is it??? Trump time!!!
President Trump is not a RACIST…President Trump is a REALIST!!!
Loyalty plays an integral, important and key role in the taught hate training, conditioning and development of their white superiority and the concept of inferiority (color, gender and race) in others.
The moralist, Christian and Bible believing, freedom and liberty lovers must use the same type of dedicated commitment to teach love and equality as the white supremacist use to teach hate, inequality and inferiority.
The moralist, Christian, God loving, freedom and liberty lovers, the Bible believers must use the same unwavering dedication and commitment in its teachings of love and equality…that we are all equals with and in God’s eternal law.
The law says that they prosecute hate crimes. ‘We the People,’ must establish anti-white supremacy hate teachings, BY LAW, to prevent hate crimes. ‘We the People,’ must establish it…not by force or fraud…but BY LAW. The same way in which Attorney John B. Knox did in establishing White Supremacy BY LAW in the state of Alabama’s Sixth Constitutional Convention held in Montgomery, Alabama in 1901 which is currently still in full force and effect in existence today.
My fellow Americans, please pause, reflect and think…the corrupt system was here before the election of Trump, one in which we all, friend and foe alike agreed, that the system was corrupt… after Trump’s election, the evil, corrupt, rigged system will still continue to be here and ‘We the People,’ will continue to reject it…but with Trump and The WILL of ‘We the People,’ together:
‘We will create a whole new system and we will take this system apart.” “I want to make America great again.” America First!’
In fact this evil, corrupt, rigged, sexist and racist system is the reason that we have elected Donald J. Trump as our 45th President.
Which means that we began the repioneering journey of American change and replacement of our evil, corrupt, rigged, sexist and racist system…taking it apart from top to bottom…and from bottom to top, and then rebuilding our system from top to bottom and from bottom to top with history as our guideline… the past giving us the process by example and based upon the Founding Principles of Liberty, Freedom, Justice, Equality and Peace; How to go about achieving them, what to take out and what to leave in as we reestablish, recreate and recommit, for the common good, common welfare and common security and protection for tomorrow and reaffirming the ideals of American politics and protection BY LAW.
“Sometimes party loyalty as too much.” President John F. Kennedy
Party loyalty is clandestine and surreptitious, building and manipulating conditions through public opinion and arguments for impeachment of President Trump with purple propaganda. While we may and do differ from him somewhat morally and politically, there is not and a more enlightened and patriotic man or woman who fails to see that much of this result is due to the honorable and statesmanlike policy and sayings of the present Chief Executive of these United States, who by the consideration has shown our country and both parties, Republican and Democrat, to be a realist and to tell the people the truth…realistic…he is not one to cover-up and hide our misgivings and wrong doings as though they didn’t happen; but to face up to them and change the wrongdoing to right doings for the common good and general welfare of America.
Now the time has come for this nation to fulfill its promise…
“Know ye the truth and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32
Remember Heather Heyer…If we are to have no white supremacy hate, we must establish it BY LAW – not by force or fraud. If you teach your boys that it is wrong to buy a vote, it is an easy step for him to learn to use money honestly, not to bribe or corrupt officials or trustees of any class. If you teach your boy that it is wrong to steal votes, it is an easy step for him to believe that it is wrong to steal whatever he may need or greatly desire.
If you teach your boy to love and respect others as equals, with no sex, color or class distinction followed by the results of such an influence.
The result of such an influence will enter every branch of society, it will reach your bank cashiers and affect positions of trust in every department; it will ultimately enter your courts and affect the administration of justice.
May the blessings of St. Francis be upon our president:
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
Where there is sadness, joy.
Almighty God, we Americans humbly pray to you to bless us with a peaceful transition of government and that nobody gets hurt in the process. Heavenly Father, please bless us with the guidance, the direction and the ways and means in which we, as Americans, can unite and become ONE AMERICA…touching the heart of President Donald J. Trump and enabling him to fulfill his promise and commitment to be President to ALL THE PEOPLE, while Making America Great Again. I ask and pray in the name of Jesus Christ, My Lord and Savior….Amen! Don King
God Bless America
God Bless the American People
God Bless President Donald J. Trump
God Bless our Military, men and women the Vanguard of our Nation
God Bless our Veterans
God Bless the Fallen but not Forgotten Heroes
1 Corinthians 16:13 “Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong.”
Only in America
Don King