Collaboration Covenant formed to get out the vote

Dr. Larry Macon, Pastor of Mt. Zion Church of Oakwood Village and President of United Pastors in Mission hosted Cleveland, Pastors, Leaders, from churches and faith-based institutions, civil and educational organizations and the community.
This distinguished group represents a combined 100 institutions throughout Greater Cleveland.
According to the Covenant: “The cornerstone of our democracy in the United States of America is the right of citizens to make their wishes known through the election process to both register and get out to vote.”
All those in attendance signed the covenant and agreed to give encouragement, direction and information on registering to vote and to do whatever is necessary to get people to the polls in this November election.
The group further plans to make sure people are registered to vote and actually vote, as a goal which this group sees as one and the same, It is their single most goal and mission. They envision people from all walks of life, both young and old going to the polls to make known their wishes in the election process in this Fall election cycle.
The President of NAACP, Attorney James L. Hardiman warned, “Unless we encourage people to get out to register and vote in our communities we will be set back to a very bad place.”
We must take action now to get people to the polls.” Marsha Mockabee, President & CEO of Greater Cleveland Urban League affirmed, “Civil rights is fueled by civic participation and there is a real need today to create a mass movement toward the polls in the fall of this year.”
Both local and national leaders and speakers will be brought to the city to encourage voter participation and the community can expect to hear more from all of those organizations represented at the meeting in the coming months