Don King 87 Salute

As we conclude the month of August, we do so in remembrance and reflection on the life and times of the esteemed and iconic owner and publisher of the Call & Post Newspaper, Mr. Don King. Often we remember and reflect on the lives of people when they have passed on...when they are no longer able to hear our words or see our expressions of appreciation. As the Executive Director representing not only myself, but all of the staff and employees of the Call & Post Newspaper, we collectively salute a life yet lived and a service yet rendered in ways that set Mr. King apart from others.
We appreciate and love Mr. King for many reasons. We love him for the kindness he expresses toward others. We love him for his kindred spirit and daily perpetuations that bless all of us in one way or the other. No man is perfect as perceived by imperfections. In essence we often see others through the eyes of our own shortcomings. In other instances, we see actions, but are far removed from motivations and consequently misjudge the action without an understanding.
Personally speaking, I have worked for and with Mr. King and have an understanding of actions and motivations, and I report that he has the heart of a King. In my life and in the lives of countless others, he has been and he remains a Father, a Friend and a true Brother. Therefore, we conclude this month with our prayers and thoughts on the King in the ring of life...Mr. Don King...Happy 87th Birthday!