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A Big THANK YOU to Costco

Chris Chin-Young

A big holiday thank you goes to the great Costco Company, located at 17800 Congress Ave, Boca Raton, Florida…. Thank you again… Boca Raton Costco for the great assistance given to the Don King’s Only in America Turkey Tour, by your fantastic distribution of thousands of Butterball turkeys to be given away to the people at different locations across the Nation, which enabled the Don King Only in America Turkey Tour to give thousands of turkeys to the needy and less fortunate American people.

Led by your wonderful staff of great people, top administrator Kim Ferrara, and top meat director and excellent distribution coordinator Chris Chin-Young, who was just great… Thank you. They were able to excellently assist me (helping me) in the giving back to the community, by sharing the Christmas spirit with, we the people, from Cleveland Ohio, New York City, Newark New Jersey, Easton Pennsylvania, home of the great legendary heavyweight boxing champion Larry Holmes, who also participated in handing out the turkeys to the wonderful people of Easton Pennsylvania, Las Vegas Nevada, Nashville Tennessee, Bassett Virginia, Windsor Ohio, dedicated in the name of Henrietta King to the recipients of Windsor Ohio, Orwell Ohio, and Ashtabula Ohio, hand delivered by Brenda Johnson, Los Angeles California, Reverend Al Sharpton’s National Action Network and with Reverend William Franklyn Richardson of Historic Grace Baptist Church in Mount Vernon, New York.

Kim Ferrara

Some fifty-nine or sixty years ago, I was touched by the spirit of Christmas and the joy of holiday giving, sharing the Christian spirit of giving back to his most important assets, the people… Giving back to the community with love, through faith, sharing the Christian spirit of giving back to the least of them during the holiday season.

“Only in America”… gifts with meaning: school supplies and books for education, Toys for Tots, backpacks and school clothes for the children and food for the hungry.

Thus, “Only in America” symbolized God’s blessings to Don King, who with faith in the Lord and blessed by the Lord with the spirit of Christianity… The giving and the sharing of his spiritually touched blessings with other children of God. Thus, the Don King ‘Only in America’ Turkey Tour.

Thank you again Costco for helping me to share the joyful Christmas spirit with God’s chosen people… My People… The American People.

Wishing all the people, a very Merry Christmas… Happy Holidays…

Don King

Only in America

Also, the Call & Post would like to apologize for the misspelling of the name of your fantastic, great administrator Kim Ferrara in last week’s Call & Post.

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