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Michelle J. Sheehan Judge  Eighth District Court of Appeals

The Honorable Judge Michelle J. Sheehan was officially sworn into office as Judge in the Eighth District Court of Appeals. The proud graduate of Orange High School; Miami University and the Cleveland - Marshall College of Law joins other distinguished Judges in the field of Law in the State of Ohio and more specifically in Cuyahoga County, the City of Cleveland.

In a memorable ceremony that included the electrifying Attorney, Lee Fisher who recanted a story of his participation in the swearing in of Judge Brendan Sheehan 10 years ago.

Bishop Eugene Ward offered the invocation and Sis. Tina Farmer sang a sacred song that melodiously rang through the sacred halls of Justice in the presence of Judges, political leaders, Judicial representatives and other dignitaries.

The posting of colors were presented by Boy Scout Troop 115 of Lakewood, Ohio that included ‘life scout’ Tim Sheehan the son of Judges Brendan and Michelle Sheehan.

The National Anthem was sung by Nia prim; a student of Cleveland School of the Arts. Introduction of Elected Officials and Union Members was conducted by Judge Mary Eileen Kilbane; administrative Judge of the Eighth District Court of Appeals.

Remarks were made by Sontel Brown; Cuyahoga County Chairwoman of the Democratic Party and County Representative for District Nine. Remarks were also offered by the honorable Judge Donald C. Nugent; United States Judge of the Northern District of Ohio; as well as Former Cuyahoga County prosecutor William D. Mason and Makayla Sheehan, the Judge’s daughter and a student at Miami University. Judge Sheehan was surrounded by her mother Janet Joseph and the Judges children; Erin, Makayla and Tim Sheehan.

The Administrative oath was given by the honorable Judge Brendan Sheehan; Judge of the Common Pleas Court. In concert with the conclusion of the oath, we were officially in the presence of the Honorable Judge Michelle Sheehan.

The benediction was offered by the Rev. John Chlebo; pastor of the St. Christopher Church. Judge Brendan commented on his wife’s sincerity and commitment to service. He further suggested that Judge Michelle will indeed be a hardworking, fair and impairtial Judge.

It was my pleasure and privilege to be in attendance to share this historical event with the community honoring a wife and mother who sacrificed ‘self’ to serve various causes as a contribution to others. Even while participating in the electoral process. History will record the presence of a husband and a wife, both serving the citizens of Cleveland and Cuyahoga County as Honorable Judges at the same time. I congratulate the Honorable Judge Michelle J. Sheehan and I wish her well.

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