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Kamala D. Harris' bid for historical run

It has been more than three years since I interviewed then California Attorney General Kamala D. Harris in her bid for the United States Senate, and on Martin Luther King Day Jan. 21 she declared that she would take on a crowded field of Democrats for the 2020 Presidential nomination.

Harris, the first African American California AG and the second African American woman Senator hails from a culture of public servants in San Francisco that can only be compared to the brutality of politicians in Chicago.

Hence as many underestimated a little know senator from Illinois name Barack Obama, they will likely do the same to Harris, but he will ultimately be a grave mistake.

Obama went on to become the first African American President of the United States, Harris, 54, can become the first African American woman to become President of the United States.

There have been moments in American politics such as 2004 when a relatively unknown Obama delivered the keynote speech at the 2004 Democratic Convention.

Like Obama, Harris packs the same charisma and political star appeal.

Harris’ mother is Indian and her father Jamaican.

All eyes will be on Harris the two-term AG and outspoken critic of President Trump.

Ironically another potential opponent Elizabeth Warren, endorsed Harris for the Senate, but will be competing against her in the loaded and diverse 2020 field.

Warren hailed Harris as “fearless” in fighting for consumers against the banks that sold bad mortgages.

“I will tell you what it means to stand up for the people,” Harris said then. “It means standing up for an economy that works for all people.”

Harris raised $2.5 million and had a long list of party leaders backing her for her Senate seat, but the race for the president will be a much greater economical ladder to climb.

Harris speech during that 2015 convention was epic.

I will “stand up for the people” establish universal preschool, full-day kindergarten and affordable child care for all families, and fight for students against diploma mills that “strapped them with useless degrees and a lifetime of debt.”

The Democratic Party and its members are responsible for some of our nation’s most important and impactful legislation: Social Security, Medicare, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and the Americans with Disabilities Act.

California Democrats played a leading role in helping President Obama pass the historic Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act that have been crippled under the Trump Administration.

Born in Oakland, California Harris could become the second California born president since Richard Nixon.

Harris raised $1.5 million in the first 24 hours of launching her campaign.

“These numbers reveal a campaign powered by the people — an energetic, nationwide movement eager to elect Senator Harris and support her vision of an America that actually works for the people,” Harris’ digital strategist Mike Nellis said in an emailed statement.

Make no mistake about it will be a most difficult challenge, but one that Harris has been prepared for all of her life.

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