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Happy Birthday Don King

As we draw near to the end of the month of August, it is incumbent upon us to once again reflect on the life and times of the highly regarded iconic owner and publisher of the Call & Post Newspaper, Mr. Don King.

Prior to the publication of the next edition of the Call & Post Newspaper, Mr. King will be 88 years of age. Another year, another milestone, another mark on the calendar, another indelible etched in the canons of history denoting God’s extension of life.

Another opportunity for the continuance of a service lovingly rendered and unselfishly given in the service of humanity.

As the Executive Director it is my honor to not only represent myself, but the staff and employees of the Call & Post Newspaper, saluting a life yet lived and a service yet rendered in ways that uniquely set Mr. King apart from all others.

We appreciate and we love Mr. King for his kindness, his kindred spirit and daily offerings blessing the lives of many.

On a more personal note, Mr. King has not only been a friend but a father and a true brother in ways I cannot literate in this article.

When others walk away and left me in the hands of my enemies, it was the love of the ‘King’ that picked me up and opened doors that I might rightfully positioned in life’s palace. When others were trying to figure out who to blame, the ‘King’ encouraged me to solve the problem and not worry about the perplexities of the people. I have learned over the years that the enemy will always forecast your wrong with expectations of your ruin. A true friend however, will see through the dim and the dark with a prophecy of peace and a proclamation of deliverance. Mr. King has been a powerful proclaimer in my life. He has been a kindred spirit sparking my life with insights and excerpts from the precepts that flow from his wisdom.

I will always be grateful for his trust in me to rely on life’s lessons as well as the instructions he has so liberally shared with me over the years. It is therefore with great honor that I conclude this month with a congratulatory Happy Birthday to the King of the Ring, Mr. Don King.

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