Mt. Zion under the leadership of Pastor Larry L. Macon, Sr. found a way to be safe, maintain Social Distance, praise the Lord outside in the open air, to hold its first Worship Service in an outdoor drive-in movie theater style due to the coronavirus outbreak. Dr. Macon said, “Many in the community are now concerned about entering into any and all buildings, including church and I wanted to give them a third option, Drive-In Church on Sunday mornings.” Those who attended the Drive-In Church stayed inside of their cars the entire short service time. They listened to their worship experience praising God with their family in the comfort of their vehicles. When it was time to respond to the sermon they honked their horns and flashed their lights on and off. One person was so happy until he got out of his car, lifted his hands and eyes to the sky and thanked God for service.
The Church did not violate the noise ordinance that most city, townships and villages have through a loud speaker but everything was done decent and in order. A stage was set up in front of the church with a podium and Bible. Those who wished to snack during the service could do so in their vehicle at their discretion. The people attend that service could even kick off their shoes and relax after having been isolated during the past week. Dr. Macon blessed the families by consecrating their cars, SUV’s and vans with holy water from the Holy Lands at the end of the outdoor worship experience. It was the pastor’s way of saying your family is blessed. Dr. Macon and his sons bless hundreds of bikes at the local Harley Davidson Motor Vehicle company annually and thought it was a great idea to bless the cars.
Mt. Zion Church of Oakwood Village is holding this third service weekly on Sundays at 10:00am as an option to their regular Sunday Services at 8:30am and 11am which will continue with limited parishioners attending. The church also encouraged those who are ill not to attend any of the services and watch on their weekly on-line MZOV Youtube channel. Dr. Macon also reminded his congregation that “Our objective is not to be cool and clever. Our objective is to be the Body of Christ in a world that is troubled and a City on a hill that cannot be hidden.”