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Now the time has come for this nation to fulfill its promise… Forgiveness, Redemption, Conversion, Faith… President Donald Trump loves his country…America…and he loves the American people; he is loyal to his country and its people.  “There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” John 15:13 Loyalty is more than words; true loyalty will result in actions. Action is what President Trump is giving to ‘We the People,’…he lives, loves and breathes loyalty. Now the time has come for this nation to fulfill its promise… “And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32 “Racism is a sin for which we have never been atoned.  It is a grave injustice that must be addressed before we can ever truly move forward as one Nation.” – Kirk Douglas  My fellow Americans, we are engaged in two wars, one, the war against the corrupt, rigged, sexist, racist system ideology of white supremacy hate, violence and control. And two, the war against the novel invisible coronavirus pandemic. In confronting number two, my fellow Americans please follow the guidelines and advice of President Trump’s phenomenal task force and stay at home, in order to prevent the novel invisible coronavirus from spreading. Also, if out in the community, use social distancing, and most importantly pray to God for your protection. Stay strong in the faith and trust in the Lord… Not in fear. In regard to number one, the corrupt, rigged, sexist, racist system of hate, violence and control. Which has been around for over 400 years, be ever vigilant and join President Trump in the battle against the corrupt, rigged system’s establishment form of government, for our liberty, equality, freedom, justice and peace. Taking the power back from Washington D.C. and returning it back into the hands of we the people, governed by the consent of the governed. President Trump proposes: “We are going to create a whole new system, and we are going to take this system apart.” “I want to make America great again.” “America first!!!” The Dean of Civil Rights and my friend Reverend Joseph E. Lowery has left us. But, he was a giant in the struggle and the fight for our freedom. His spirit lives on and I join his spirit whole-heartedly in the continued battle to gain our freedom. “The lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.” – Job 1:21 Reverend Joseph E. Lowery was my friend. I was proud to call him my friend. Rev. Joseph E. Lowery was a friend of mankind. Rev. Joseph E. Lowery was a friend of humanity, who worked for the freedom of all humankind. He has vacated his earthly temple, and went home to our Lord and savior Jesus Christ, the son of man-God. My watching him, and seeing the humble Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in the giving up of themselves to others in the leading of them to freedom before any self-consideration, thus, which encapsulated the spirit of freedom and the commitment to the giving of help to others for freedom from within, and gave my heart, mind, body and soul the commitment helping and giving to others. I will never forget Reverend Joseph E. Lowery’s late night distressing telephone call to me, asking me for a loan of between two hundred and three hundred thousand dollars, in order for him and the Civil Rights Movement Leaders to save the Affirmative Action Program. Knowing full well that the so-called loan would result into being a full time gift (smiles). He was good… that was his genius, the God-given capability of making you feel proud to be able to make the loan a gift, and to be a part of the God-given Civil Rights Movement, which fights for freedom and civil rights to help others. While at the same time, making you feel good and proud to be a part of the Civil Rights movement, and that you wouldn’t have it any other way. I learned a lot from the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Reverend Joseph E. Lowery, love and selflessness philosophy. “So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them” – Matthew 7:12 May the blessings of St. Francis be upon our President: Lord, make me an instrument of your peace: Where there is hatred, let me sow love; Where there is injury, pardon; Where there is doubt, faith; Where there is despair, hope; Where there is darkness, light; Where there is sadness, joy.  Almighty God, we Americans humbly pray to you to bless us with a peaceful transition of government and that nobody gets hurt in the process.  Heavenly Father, please bless us with the guidance, the direction and the ways and means in which we, as Americans, can unite and become ONE AMERICA…touching the heart of President Donald J. Trump and enabling him to fulfill his promise and commitment to be President to ALL THE PEOPLE, while Making America Great Again.  I ask and pray in the name of Jesus Christ, My Lord AND Savior….Amen!   Don King God Bless America God Bless the American People God Bless President Donald J. Trump God Bless our Military, men and women the Vanguard of our Nation God Bless our Veterans God Bless the Fallen but not Forgotten Heroes 1 Corinthians 16:13 “Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong.”  Only in America Don King

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