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Congresswoman Marcia Fudge Set for Confirmation

WASHINGTON — The Senate is expected to vote Wednesday to confirm Rep. Marcia Fudge (D-OH) as the new Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. Senator Sherrod Brown has been leading the process as chair of the Senate’s Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee.

"The first vote took place at 5:30 pm Tuesday night, March 9, 2021, that so-called cloture,” Brown said Tuesday afternoon of the procedural vote to end debate on the nomination. “Passage confirmation for Congresswoman Fudge, my congresswoman, will take place today, Wednesday March 10. 2021. I expect a strong bi-partisan vote as we had in the committee to confirm her to be Secretary of Housing and Urban Development."

Ohio Senator Rob Portman states, "I support Marcia Fudge, I don't agree with her on all of the policy issues as you know but she's qualified,” Portman told News 5 last month. “I think that she'll be someone I can work with for Ohio and that's good. It's good to have an Ohioan as part of the cabinet."

A special primary will be set to fill Congresswoman Marcia Fudge's seat, once she is confirmed. Candidates have been campaigning for her seat upon hearing of her appointment; however, our congresswoman has not been available for comment during this confirmation process. Fudge will truly have plenty to say about the future of her congressional seat and our community upon completion of this process.

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