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“Demonstration for Vaccination” March

The Cleveland Clergy Coalition led a “Demonstration for Vaccination” March last Saturday, April 24, 2021. The purpose of the March was to raise awareness in the African-American Community to be vaccinated. The March started at 105th and Superior and ended at The Greater Abyssinia Baptist Church front steps.

The Cleveland Clergy Coalition has been registering and transporting people to various vaccination centers. The Coalition has encouraged the State to make our local churches vaccination centers while supporting the Wolstein Center Vaccination Program.

There March was well attended and supported by community leaders, local Pastors, and Elected Officials. Rev. Dr. E.T. Caviness spoke to the crowd and encouraged everyone to follow his example and TAKE THE SHOT. Rev. Ivory Jones stated, “If you want to graduate you must vaccinate.” Pastor Aaron Phillips, Executive Director of the Cleveland Coalition, organized this event along with the Pastor C . Vincent Berry, Senior Pastor of Christian Fellowship Baptist Church. Pastor Berry told the crowd it’s time we start Marching for something instead of against something.

The Church continues to be the center of the Black Community and the church is encouraging all of us to TAKE THE SHOT! If you need to register or locate a vaccine center, contact the Cleveland Clergy Coalition at (216) 333-1827.

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